Friday, August 06, 2010


A light shines in far away place
The man who controls it has a nice face
He is familiar, but fully unknown
Like a seed in the mind that has been sown.
The light draws you near to its warm light
And you follow it through even though you fight
The man says he knows all that you are
That you are the one, his special star
The light warms your body body all the way through
And while at home, a candle burns blue

With this man, you want to stay, but not without a reason
You think and you think and decide to blame the changing seasons
Too cold, too odd, too unique, too independent, too curious, to honest

Where you were once just warm, you are now hotter than hell
And the candle you once owned, you can now sell
And sell it you did

Monday, May 17, 2010

What is this place any more?

Wow I was brought back here tonight by a reminder of this place, and it made me think about what it means to me. It started off as a distant lover's cry, and turned into the daily exciting events from my life which I was ecstatic to share with anyone I cared about. Then I stopped writing when I had all I needed in my life, only returning to it time to time when things got tough.
Then it was invaded and used against me by those closest to me, those most trusted. I now know what it feels like to have your diary stolen and read in front of your class.
Then this place became a very different place which was locked up for only me to see, and vent, and cry to.
Now I've moved onto greener pastures, yet I know I will return here one day. Perhaps when memories have faded, perhaps if they ever fade. At least I don't have to force people to read my exciting little world here any more though. I look forward to bluer skys here as well, but I guess that's all my choice.
At leasts I lived up to my goal in my last post!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Blog

I want to start a new blog about me cooking, and buying foods at local markets. It will be about buying good and cheap foods, and finding great recipes online. Now I just need a name for it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How do you scratch an itch that you just can't find?

I so badly want to do something new, a new project or a new direction. Something exciting to get my blood flowing, my mind racing and my imagination pumping.
That's just what that I'm having trouble with. If I had this something, I would be able to devote all my time and energy to it. I've had nothing since loosing my project last February, one which I can't take up again no matter how nice it would be to go back.
But going forward, where am I left to go? To sit at home at night after work, after the gym thinking about who I can have over or what I can watch on tv?
No, I need something more. Maybe a class, a course. But then I worry about missing out on the fun times in summer. How about a new degree, an MBA? Am I ready to give up my life again, for 3 years, to do an MBA? Maybe that's just what I need right now, something that makes sense, that will make all the small crazy things seem like nothing again.
I've thought about a second job, but what? I'd like it to be a business of my own, but once again, what? What type of business can I do that will allow me to work on my own after my day time job?
And what about this long time dream of living somewhere forever warm, where winter is nothing more than an excuse to put on a sweater? That one will probably have to wait, I'd really need something great to take me away from my current life.
Hum, to think that my hardest thing to do now is to find something to occupy my time and make me better. Not too bad eh?

Sunday, January 03, 2010


The new year has begun, and it seems like a horrific storm has passed.
Like a child whose wish is granted only to be nothing as it seems.
I have seen an alternative life flash before my eyes, like another path I went running down, then away from.
I traded what was once heaven and earth, for hell and emptiness, thinking it was heaven and earth.
What a wake up call to the stupid ideas I once held, which swirled through my mind.
As if I needed to experience the storm to see the sun, to triggar a real total meltdown to allow for a true reboot. It was not enjoyable or fun, nor was I ever truly there in heart or mind.
I'm forever tied to another's heart, one that continues to beat for me even after all I have put it through.
I now know fear held me back, built the walls and locked the doors to my heart. It grew dark and cold, feeding off anger and choosing to hold onto it to protect itself.
Now, can really want out again, into a world which was once so warm? Will I really allow it to leave these shackles?
I have seen the alternative reality, one where other's seem trapped, stuck with their feet in the mud.
Can it be as simple as allowing love in again, and deciding to show some back? Is this just a trick of my heart or a glimmer between breaking clouds?
Only time will tell if the sun will shine, if it's rays will reach my garden, if my garden will grow, if the weeds will die.
No, time will not decide this, only the farmer who will tend the soil.