Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year

Happy New Years to everyone!
At the end of the year, it’s a good time to look back on the past year and see how it went. For me, it was a very interesting year.
It began off badly. The Tsunami really put life in perspective, and made me feel really sad for a while. There was no one to blame, no crazed president, no war, no terrorists. It was just a blameless act of nature that killed so many people.
Even at a personal level, the year began badly. I discovered that my parents would never accept me as I am, and would rather continue believing I am as they want me to be. I granted this wish for them, but it was the nail in the coffin of our relationship. It was never great, but at least I used to think that it could be good one day. I also despise lying, especially to people I love.
Thankfully, the rest of the year was totally different. So much so, that I think it tops all years previous. This past year I worked harder than I ever have at school, while still working part time, and seeing friends and family regularly. It was a great feeling, and I even got an A in Marketing, and hopefully another in Developmental Psych. During the year I also met many new people, and had some great conversations with them. They enlightened me, and hopefully I was able to do the same.
Also, I began the year with an almost obsession with news, politics, culture jamming, and a desire to live a life in totally opposition to commercialism. Thankfully, over the year I have found a balance again. It was a fun ride in which I learned a lot about the world and myself, but it’s nice to like society again;). A big thank you to you all for bearing with me through it =).
The year was topped off with an awesome trip to Vegas where so many experiences were had. Overall, this year I really learned what my life motto means:
The struggles always made you stronger, and nothing perfect lasts. But that’s okay, because the pursuit of perfection only leads to the discovery of flaws anyways, which are also okay to have.
(If that made sense to you, then you truly have been around me too long!)
So, what’s in store for the new year? Who knows, life throws so many curve balls, eh? But, I think 2006 has these in store for me:
-I will graduate from University.
-I will continue studying to complete my Marketing certificate, or get another degree.
-I will probably keep working at BP part time.
And, that’s all the certainties that I can come up with. That’s it for me, now it’s time to start drinking!
Happy 2006 to you all!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Vegas Memories 6: Jason

Our trip would have been half as great if it wasn’t for my friend Jason. He took us out almost every night, showing us the coolest clubs, restaurants and bars. Through him, my friends and I met many new friends, and we’re all grateful for that.
I met Jason three and half years ago in Vegas, and liked him immediately. He made my trips to Vegas with my parents much less boring. We kept in touch, and I then tagged along with him and his friends to New York this past summer. Not only that, but he helped me find direction in school studies, and life in general. Although nothing more came from our friendship, I am super grateful for it all the same. I’m sure I’ll see him again this Summer in Vegas (when I return with my parents=P).

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Brokeback Mountain

My friends and I saw this movie last night. I didn’t know much about it, but Sreng had told me about it before. I’m glad that he got us to see it, as it was great.
It was a story about forbidden love. These two cowboys meet while working together, and fall in love. Only problem is that they live in the south USA, and it’s the sixties. I won’t tell anymore of the story, just that you should all see it. The theatre was filled, and everyone seemed to like it. It’s the first romantic drama I have seen since........well, a very long time! It was a refreshing break from the ordinary as well.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Chanukah

To anyone who will be celebrating over the next few days, all the best to you. Open gifts and play lots of dreidel (someone has to show me how to play). Please leave a comment if you do celebrate, and tell us what you did.
To everyone else reading this, it’s Boxing day! What are you doing at home, go shop shop shop!
You know you don't like the gifts you got, and want to buy something for yourself. Remember that our role is that of consumer, so make sure to consume or else someone will lose their job!=P

Today is also the one year anniversary of the tsunami that hit Asia last year. Watch CBC Newsworld (ch 26) tonight for a show about it. It was the most tragic event occuring in my lifetime so far.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate!
Open gifts, eat lots, and have fun with friends, family and loved ones.
I'll be at my Aunt's house with my Nonni, cousins and parents. I should be stuffed when I return at night.
If you do celebrate, leave a comment telling us what you did.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Vegas Memories 5: Krave

Krave was the second coolest nightclub that we went to. Jason brought us there with his roommate and Joel. It is at the Aladdin casino, which is a very cool.
At the club, there were stripper-dancers, a cool DJ, and even a puppet show that featured Canada as a story line. It was really fun. Out of all the gay nightclubs we went to, it was the most extravagant. Actually, they call themselves an “alternative club,” but whatever. The music wasn’t memorable, but the overall experience was.

I learned quickly not to stray to far from my friends though. One man called my tie a cock-ring, tried getting into my shirt, then tried getting my hand in his pants. “What can you get for ten dollar?” Nothing buddy! Then I met a women with the largest breasts ever (yes, even larger than pregnant Hungry Judy's). A nice, well rounded evening.


Here’s a cool online store/charity called GoodStorm. They sell t-shirts with neat and meaningful messages/images on them. They then donate a part of the sale to a charity. Check it out!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Yesterday we did it again, now the fourth year in a row. It was the annual chocolate truffle making party at my house. This time Veena, Sreng and I called in help from Sheehira, and Vicky. Before that, Jackie came by and we played a few video games. I introduced her to Resident Evil 4, which I think she enjoyed, or at least gave her nightmares (eh Jackie?).
Today I met my group at school, and I think we finally worked out a project to do. I went to the gym after that, and then I did some homework at the library.
Oh, and my blog is constantly being improved. Now anyone can leave a comment, you don’t have to join Blogger. There’s no excuse not to leave a comment now!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Vegas Memories 4: Ka

A few days after seeing Mystere, Veena and I went back to see another Cirque Du Soleil, Ka. How was this one? Different from Mystere, but also amazing. This one had more fighting, and a more emotional story. I didn’t follow the story, but it was something about two twins, they get separated, and then people fight to get them. The stage in this one was even more versatile than the one in Mystere. The stage changed from a boat, to a beach, to an ice wall, to a vertical fighting area and then to this fantastic sight:

(Yes, it is verticle, with people walking up it!).
Then, through the use of lighting and music, the set was transformed into a sea, with people sinking and swimming from the ceiling of the theatre, to below the stage. Sound unbelievable? It was. Oh, and each person’s seat had built in speakers in the headrest, giving you true surround sound.
After these two shows, I’m totally spoiled. I swear we would have seen the other 3 Cirque shows in Vegas if they hadn’t been on hiatus.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Vegas Memories 3: Mystere

The third memory is of seeing the Cirque Du Soleil show, Mystere (click to hear some of the music). It was absolutely breath taking. The opening scene with a big fat baby and an even bigger ball was hilarious. The costumes were out of this world, with creatures that stood about 5 meters high, walking across the stage. The stage would rise and fall, bringing these creatures up, or sending them below. The performances by the acrobats seemed out of this world, they climbed up bars with their legs alone, then would swing from the ceiling. The production gave me shivers, more than once. Everyone should see this show. The music was perfect too, so much so that I bought the soundtrack afterwards. Actually, the performance was so good that we went back for a second serving of Cirque a few nights later.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Vegas Memories 2: Studio 54

Going to Studio 54, period. It was the most awesome club ever, and that’s saying a lot since I don’t really like clubs that much. But, the clubs in Vegas were so great, and Studio 54 was the best one out of all the ones we went to.
There were dancers everywhere, even hanging over the dance floor. And these were real dancers, who could dance very well (and were extremely hot, yet classy at the same time). There were acrobats flipping on the walls, and the most incredible DJ’s ever.
Now, there is a back story to this one, which makes it even better. The night before, Jason and his roommates (Favian, and Luis) took Sreng and I to a bar/club called Free Zone. It was a cool little place with a wicket drag host, and alright music. I lost the other guys for a few minutes as I toured the place. While near the bar, I heard someone call out ‘hey’. At first I just kept walking, thinking that they probably were not calling me. But then I thought, “what the hell,” turned around, and sat at the booth with these two guys I didn’t know. We started talking, and I discovered that they were both really cool and smart. Scott was 22, and Eric was 25. They were best friends, and were out after a day at work. Eric invited me to studio 54, and said that he’d get me on the VIP list. Then we were interrupted when a confused looking Jason found me at this booth (okay, I had left him and our friends, and that wasn’t very nice. But, thank god I did, as I got to meet Eric, who turned out to be an amazing guy). I left with Jason and Sreng then. The next night I told Sreng we were going to 54. I called up Eric, he put us on the list, and we skipped the cover (which I believe was $40) and the line. We didn’t get to meet up with him that night, but I did bump into him again at another bar. That’s another story though.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Vegas Memories 1: Wine Night

Who wouldn't love me, eh? I had bought a bottle of wine for the three of us to enjoy. But it turned out that Sreng and Veena don’t like wine, so it was all mine. I was a little tipsy after that, and I think I made a bit of a scene on the bus that night. I was good once I got to the club though. Wait til you see the "drunk Veena" video though! More Vegas memories to come.


Tonight became today, and later is now now. I’m back home, in sunny Brampton. Thank god the sun is out today, I think I would have started crying at the sight of cloudy weather. Okay, I’ll admit that I did tear up while on the plane though.
Our trip was fucking awesome, the best trip I have ever taken. We met so many interesting people, and did so many fantastic things. Each time I return from Vegas, I get a new perspective on my life, and what my future could hold. This trip was no different. There are so many stories to tell, but they will come in time. Right now I’m too tired to type so much. It’s sad to be home, away from all the bright lights, late nights, and exciting adventures.
Oh, and the airport lost our luggage. They said that they’ll send it over as soon as they find it.
I'll be waiting!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Leaving Today!

hello everyone! Tonight Veena and I will be leaving sunny Las Vegas. It was the best trip ever. We did so much, time flew by. Club after club, bar after bar, Pooncho food (and lots of Pooncho parties), legal and illegal drugs, love, fun, shows, hang overs, thowing up. It was great. We'll have lots of pictures and stories to share when we get back. See you all on Friday or Saturday!

Friday, December 09, 2005


Hi everyone! I'm having a great time in Sunny las vegas. It's warm and beautiful! We went out for Sushi yesterday, and then went to a small bar at night. It was a blast! My time is running out on this internet machine, see ya'll soon!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Goodbye everyone! It's off to Vegas time, I'll see you all when I get back!

BP Christmas Party

Well, another BP Christmas party has been had. It’s my fifth, a fact that I find hard to believe. It was a lot of fun. It’s always nice to have everyone together, relaxing and eating. There was food this year, thank god, although it was all deep fried. I don’t think I’ve eaten so much fried food in years. There’s still nothing that compares to BP Christmas Party 2003 though. Rosie had me for secret Santa, and got me a gift certificate to Prince Sushi. How great is that! We should all got together sometime this month. Oh, and I won a prize this year! A $50 gift certificate to Donato's. Jackie won a huge bath product set that weighs a metric ton. Speaking of metric, we never got our requested Metric song. I don't even remember what songs were playing last night, except for Hung Up, which got everyone going. Til next year.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

BP Christmas Party soon!

Wow, how quickly a week can go by. This was one of the busiest weeks ever. Most of it was spent writing up my thesis proposal intro, which I finally finished today (it took the whole day to proof read!). Now I just have an exam to write tomorrow, and then I will be off to the Christmas party. And then it will be Vegas! How great is that?
Work was a blast yesterday, even though I was so sleepy. Jackie worked, which was great, but Nancy was off again (for her Bday).
In election news, this week we saw Harper make a broad range of promises: changing the charter to not include gay marriage anymore, cutting the GST by 1%, and improving healthcare. He said “no tax is a good tax, and I don’t like any taxes.” Kinda scary when you think of all the services that ride on those ‘bad’ taxes. How the hell does he plan on improving health care? Oh, privatisation! Now it makes sense. Honestly though, he is doing well. He has taken the leadership role, and is making promises that people will care about (except the gay marriage thing). I think he might just win a minority.
New pet peeve of the day: Coughers! I know you’ve heard them. There those people who cough every few minutes, like clockwork. It’s that dry cough, with the mouth wide open. No covering of the mouth (probably because they cough so much). What’s wrong with these people? What they hell are they coughing for? It’s not like they’ve got phlegm or something. They cough more in one day then I do all year, honestly. There was once a female cougher on the bus, and I had to move because I was going to throw up all over her. She had mastered the cough, sticking her tongue out in rhythm with each open mouth cough.
Oh, and I finally listened to Madonna’s new cd. Actually, I’ve heard it playing everywhere I go: at the mall, at Ego (hair salon), at the gym, and in school. And now it plays in my home. I think the cd is great. Better than her last. Who knew she could come back so strong after American Life? She did! That’s it.