Friday, May 05, 2006


Some have asked me why I didn’t like that philosophy course I took this year. A few days ago I emailed one of the profs from that course about my final essay grade. Here's how the emails went (mine are in blue, these are the actual emails):

Hello, this is Stephen Peca from your phil and ethical course last term. I was wondering if I could find out my mark on my final essay, if they have been marked.
Thank you,-- Steve

Marks have been posted in the SASIT office; we're not allowed to give themby e-mail or phone.

Okay, so I went to the office and found the grades posted. The only thing was that I couldn't tell if they were just the essay grade, or my final grade for the class. While there, I met another student, and they didn't know either. So, I emailed my prof again to ask:

Are the grades that are posted for final marks or final essay marks? --

Didn't you write me already about this?

(Yes, that's all her reply said.)

No. My original email was:

Hello, this is Stephen Peca from your phil and ethical course last term. I was wondering if I could find out my mark on my final essay, if they have been marked.
Thank you,

So, I guess the marks that are posted are for the essay grade then right?
-- Steve

I think my reply was that SASIT is going to post them. I don't actually workat SASIT; I work in ADMS in the Atkinson building, so I have no idea whenSASIT will post them, but you can contact them and find out!

(Wow, okay? Is she just not reading my emails or what?)

Wow, miscommunication!:)
I didn't ask you when they would be posted. Grades are posted, and I have seen them. My question was:
Are the grades that are posted for final marks or final essay marks?


Do I need to say more??? I can't wait for her next reply=P