Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bush's story

Hi all. School is crazy right now, and I’m having huge problems with summer enrollment. I hope to have that all fixed soon though.
But, I just had to post about this story on about George Bush. It’s just too funny. Please read it, and tell me if Bush isn’t getting desperate. Here’s one part of the article to entice you to read it:

"Bush portrayed the United States and its allies as winning what he calls the war on terror. He spoke of a succession of al-Qaeda figures killed or captured, and said a number of plots were thwarted. The Los Angeles plot was aimed at the tallest building on the West Coast, he said. He called it the Liberty Tower, but apparently meant the Library Tower, a 73-storey office building facing the Los Angeles Central Library. The building was renamed US Bank Tower in 2003. "

Anyone could be President. Anyone stupid that is.