Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Kaitlyn is born!

Congratulations Judy and Freddy!
Judy had her baby on Sunday, in a labour that lasted 31 hours!
I can't believe that the wait is over, and can't wait to see her. She is soooo cute! 31 hours of labour, good god! Wow, that is really long Judy, but totally worth it.

Welcome to the world Kaitlyn Evangeline Gillis!

Filming (part 2)

Monday night:
I didn’t get a chance to post again on Monday night. We finished filming, and then ate dinner. Patryjca made some killer tacos and a hot and spicy shot: raspberry syrup, vodka and a slash of Tabasco. Yum. For dessert, we had a very generous serving of vodka with some orange juice. We completed our screen caps after that (although, at a slightly slower pace=). Shayan and I watched Capote after that, but didn’t make it to the end of the film. It was too late at night to watch a movie with such a slow pace.

The next morning we rose bright and early (...10am...) showered, and got ready. I made us some quick scrambled eggs, which we ate quickly, and ran out the door so that Patrycja’s husband, Chris, could drive us to Canadian Tire. We had to buy a new light bulb because we broke one the day before. After that it was off to school to meet Shelley for some more filming.

Shooting the host scenes:
This time it wouldn’t be Shelley under the bight lights, it would be me. Our professor, who had promised us to be our host in the video didn’t show. So, I had to fill in the role of George Summers. And what a George Summers I was! The group decided that I would look better with my sweater turned inside-out. That looked so good that they also got me to turn my shirt underneath inside-out as well. Also, I couldn’t ware my glasses, as they cast shadows, and I hadn’t brought my contacts. So, our great director, Shayan, had me memorize the lines, and look blindly into the 4 hot lights shining at me. We’re talking close to 600 watts in total, it was hot. Shelly had to hold my legs down underneath the table because my chair kept leaning back when I would sit with good posture. Patrycja helped with moral support saying: “Smile more! Look happier! Imagine that you’re getting a blow job.” It all worked, and I think we pulled off a great shoot.

Valentine’s outing:
After that I took one bus and one subway to Church. It took an hour, and I was feeling sleepy and nauseous. I think it was the combination of: sunstroke from the hot lights, nasty fried panzerotto that I had for lunch, and a chair that rocked and rolled. Thankfully it faded by the time I arrived at Zelda’s and met Daren and his friend Mathew. I order my mudslide, and it was time to relax. Veena arrived shortly after, map in hand. Then came Vickey and her brother. We ordered them both a mudslide, which turned Vicky’s cheeks pink. It was great fun. Sreng joined us after his class at Ryerson ended and we ordered food. I ate a chicken sandwich (not the Irma burger, which I couldn’t believe was off the menu!). After that I had a nice strong martini to cap the night off. Everyone left one by one. Veena, Daren and I were the last to leave, and we walked Daren to his place. After that Veena and I made our way home.
It was a great day and night. Happy Valentines to everyone too, hope it was great for you!

PS- Judy, is the baby out yet?? I can’t wait!