Friday, September 16, 2005

Control with only one hand

Well well well. Tonight the Revolution was unleashed.
No one knows what I’m talking about, but that’s okay. Nintendo just showed off their controller for their new console. That normally wouldn’t be a big deal, but this thing is different, really different. Jackie will probably enjoy this post, as she’s into gaming. Follow the link:
You’ll be able to download all your old favourite NES games and play them (turn the controller on it’s side). It’s also got some cool feature about using the controller as if you were in 3D space (for new games).
Anyways, it’s the end of the school week for me. The air conditioning is back on at the gym, which is very nice! I’m also still narrowing down my thesis topic. I’m thinking about doing in-depth interviews with gay men in relationships. I want to know about all the usually unmentionables, like why they don’t show affection in public, and if “open relationships” are at all common. I’m still unsure, but this is what I’m leaning towards. It would also free me from doing any stats in my research!
Tomorrow I hope to get together with my friends, and hang out and have fun. It’s always a nice break from school work.
PS- first one who posts a comment gets whatever they want from me!