Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pooncho takes on the beef...

Hi all! My postings over the last few days have been short and sparse. I’ve been busy mainly working, and organizing the house. I’ve made it my goal to clear out all the junk that I can find, and renovate the basement.
I’ve also been working to the max. So much so, that I have little time to job hunt. My computer is also giving me problems which is making things hard. But overall things have been good. I’ve had time to put some real thought into my equity portfolio as well, and I’m proud of that.
But, I do need to mention some events that have occurred. Last Friday, my friends and I went to Frankie Tomottos again. I was so excited because they are an all you can eat buffet (something that I enjoy a lot of) and they have big beef ribs (another thing that I enjoy a lot). Those two things, along with being with friends made me one happy camper. I had no shame eating those ribs too, you can’t eat ribs politely, you just need to get your teeth right in there!
Deb, you would have been so disgusted by me, I’m sure I ate a whole cow.
Daren, you can just imagine how many I ate. By the way, how was the movie Mr, Film Fester?
I also didn’t go to the Virgin Festival, like I had wanted. It turned out being pretty sucky from what I heard, so I’m happy I didn’t go. Massive Attack didn’t even show.
Today I had the day off, and totally slept in until 1030. I had a ton of dreams too, but I won’t bore you with them. Lately, I’ve been dreaming like crazy, it’s great.
My mom made me spinach dip as well, and that makes me happy=)
Hope you’re all swell.


Anonymous said...

Hey steve, make sure you save some spinach dip for me.

Anonymous said...

Those beef ribs at Frankie Toamto was really yummy, but its extremely messy to eat. You must have eaten 6 to 7 of those big ones.
It was fun, my pooncho was well fed.

Anonymous said...

Those where yummy ribs. I really like them as well. I could understand how you can eat so much rib. All I can say is that you had a protein diet.


Unknown said...

Looks like the dip is almost finished, by me of course.=) Protein diets are soooo yummy too. Hope to see you guys soon, I'm off on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

*groan* Its too bad I missed it. Been thinking about those ribs and calamari...yum. I'm hungry now. I'm all movie'd out! saw some great movies, but glad its finally over.


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