Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bum Night

Just got back from my super fun night out with 9inch and Mike, except that didn’t happen. What did happen? We screwed up with the restaurant, and went to the wrong place. Sreng met us at a place that he was told was 515 Bloor, but it really wasn’t. What it was was a restaurant in construction that said “sushi coming soon” on the sign. WTF? So, we never got to meet Mike, who then waited for us at the real Sushi on Bloor. Mike, I am sooooo sorry about the screw up, I owe you big for ruining your night. We walked down loor to see if we could find you, but we didn’t get close enough to the real Sushi on Bloor.
We ended up eating at an okay Sushi place, but it was nothing like Sushi on Bloor. Nancy dropped Sreng and I off at the Spadina station afterwards (I’ve never been there), and that’s where our night was capped off. We went in the wrong door, and had two police officers chase us down. Apparently thy thought we were trying to skip out on the $2.75 bus fair, and fined us. How much? Oh, just $110 each!!!! So, I have now received my first ticket, for making a mistake.
Am I pissed? Yes, but just about not getting to meet up with Mike. I feel terrible about that. The whole fine thing is a funny story I can tell tomorrow morning. Speaking of that, I should get off to bed, I start my training tomorrow at 9.


Anonymous said...

Wow! what a night. That's crazy.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god!! Steve you should of called me, I would of led you to the right place! that sucks :( well still an time you all feel like sushi, let me know.


Anonymous said...

whoa steve, that's nuts. I can't believe that happend to you!!! So what's happening? how's BP treating you? I'm going to come back on Thanksgiving weekend, hopefully closing Friday and Saturday nights, if Ted can hook it up. So what does this training mean in the posting? Are you doing cash now? How's the job search going?
School's ok for me, I'm trying to keep up on everything, and I think I'm doing an ok job, except I have this one class which I'm not to keen on(European Union and the Integration of Business) because my prof never posts the notes (and I have a hard time keeping up with what's posted in class and what the prof is saying). He claims that there are still problems with WebCT. I think he's lying, because all my other profs don't have issues with it. I also have this french class that is super hard, but I do SOOOO much work on it so I'm keeping up and doing ok!
International Marketing is fun, I love my prof (I've had him twice before). I also have Crime and Criminal Justice, a first year elective that I'm super enjoying. My last class is the Theory of FInance, it's rumoured to be super tough, and we have our first assignment fur on Octover 4th, but I think I can handle it.
Nothing else is new with me other than me being 22!!! AYAYAY. just kidding. My birthday was quiet, but that's what I wanted...we went to an all you can eat SEA-FOOD buffet. We'll have to go to the one in Mississauga together. It's so freaking's like Mandarin but 100000 time better!

But that's it! I've been keeping up with your blog, and I still can't believe that that happend to you that night, with the tickets, wowzah.

but I'm off for some homework, I'll ttyl!

Unknown said...

jackie- I had a prof do the same thing in one of my classes. International Marketing sounds like it would be fun. I wish I took that. Hum, might I be missing school? Maybe a little, no no, I'll never admit to that!=) I'm having too much fun training in the work world right now.

Daren- Ya, we would have been fine if some person didn't tell Sreng that the construction place was the place we were looking for. We should have kept looking. Oh well, I have another excuse to go get good Sushi again. Moral: always trust yourself, and never be guided astray!

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