Yesterday I started my day at Ryerson, and then headed off to York. Ryerson is a very cool school, it’s nice being downtown. The only thing is that they still have their heaters on. Supposedly, the heat stays on until a certain date when it switches to air conditioning. It better switch soon, because it’s annoying having the windows open and hearing all the traffic from outside. It also reminds me of high school. We all have our own desk and chair. The professor also takes attendance every class, and we get grades for that! Far out, eh? I really like the class material, it’s called Marketing Research. My group has to do a project on a product that hasn’t launched yet, and we need to see how it would do. We will probably be doing the new
Wii console.
On Monday was Veena’s Birthday. The two of us met Daren at the Eaton’s Centre, then we walked to his house for some wine (Fat Bastard). After that we went to met Sreng who was near the restaurant, where we also met Damian and
Amanda (it was great meeting you, you’re fun). We went to a restaurant called
Hot House. It was good, pretty typical though. I had a burger and fries. They also had Creemore, which made me very happy. Vicky also joined us, it was good seeing her again. After we stuffed ourselves, we went for gelato. The best flavour was the one Vicky got, avocado. I know it sounds strange, but it was good!
Today I’m off to York again. I love summer school!
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