Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hard Exam

I just wrote my midterm for Retailing Marketing, and totally bombed.
Yes. It was so stupidly unfair. There were 40 multiple choice, which were all pretty much fair. But then, there were “short answers” questions. They weren’t so much short answer as they were “list the theories of whatever” or “the list of things that we made brief reference to, and that you never thought of memorizing”. The devastating part is that they were all worth between 5-10 marks each. The multiple choice was less than half of the totally exam! I nearly died. I didn’t memorize every possible list of things, so I didn’t know most of these. And the lists that I did memorize were not mentioned.
At first I thought it was just me, and that I totally studied badly. But then the professor asked the class, worriedly “are you finding this hard?” The whole class erupted with “yes!” and a flurry of questions followed. He extended our time, and then extended it again.
Now, all I can do is hope for a miracle. There’s something that every student dreams of happening to them: “Bell curve”. I’ve never had it happen in my class, but I pray it does here. If everyone fails, then he will raise everyone’s mark. Please God, I’ve been a good boy this year, a really good boy!=)
The day wasn’t a totally bomb though. I got to have lunch with Vicky. We got rice with teriyaki chicken at a place in the mall at school. It was really good. I hadn’t seen her since before Christmas, when she came over to make chocolates. It was nice seeing you Vicky, and we will all get to see you again on the 14th. She’s in for our Valentine's get together as well. Don’t forget that you all have to make plans to come. I want to see you all there! (opps, I almost forget. Not you Michelle, I won’t make that mistake twice).
I also got to see Patrycja today, who was still totally sick. You were funny Patrycja, you didn’t make much sense when you spoke, and everything seemed to be on delay. At least you’re smoking less now=)

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