Friday, February 24, 2006


Hi all. Thank you again Judy and Daren for your support. Also, thanks to the rest of you who have emailed or phoned.
We just got in now. My family and I were at the hospital today and yesterday. Nonno John looks really skinny, and tired. The doctor says that he has a few days or weeks to live. He also told us that it’s up to the family if we want to keep him on the IV. Without it, he will slip away sooner. As of now, he is still able to communicate, and knows what’s going on around him. He’s very hard to understand when he speaks though. He starting to have some pain in his legs, so they gave him some mild pain killers (not morphine). I hope he doesn’t get too much pain though. I also think that he’s stating to understand that his time is almost up. He told us to make sure to buy him new shoes.
Nonna Connie is holding up well, but is sometimes too optimistic. We had to keep reminding her that he was not going to be coming back home, or even eating again. They’ve been married for almost 65 years now, so it will be very hard for her. I made my famous pasta with eggs and cheese for everyone last night at Aunt Laura’s house. I made sure that Nonna Connie ate a lot too, I don’t want her to get too weak. She spends her whole day at the hospital.
On a positive note though, Nonno John’s room is always packed with family. There are only supposed to be 2 guests per room, but his had up to 10 today. We were overflowing into the hallway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

I hope you are doing well. I am sorry to hear about you grandfather. It breaks my heart to hear about your grandfather. But you should cherish that movement your spend with grandfather. You should take a lot of pictures of him. Your grandfather seem like a really nice man when I met him at the cottage. He was full of energy and charisma. I wish your grandfather the best and my prayers are for him. If you need anything steve give me a call.

Your friend,

Sreng Leang

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