There were dancers everywhere, even hanging over the dance floor. And these were real dancers, who could dance very well (and were extremely hot, yet classy at the same time). There were acrobats flipping on the walls, and the most incredible DJ’s ever.
Now, there is a back story to this one, which makes it even better. The night before, Jason and his roommates (Favian, and Luis) took Sreng and I to a bar/club called Free Zone. It was a cool little place with a wicket drag host, and alright music. I lost the other guys for a few minutes as I toured the place. While near the bar, I heard someone call out ‘hey’. At first I just kept walking, thinking that they probably were not calling me. But then I thought, “what the hell,” turned around, and sat at the booth with these two guys I didn’t know. We started talking, and I discovered that they were both really cool and smart. Scott was 22, and Eric was 25. They were best friends, and were out after a day at work. Eric invited me to studio 54, and said that he’d get me on the VIP list. Then we were interrupted when a confused looking Jason found me at this booth (okay, I had left him and our friends, and that wasn’t very nice. But, thank god I did, as I got to meet Eric, who turned out to be an amazing guy). I left with Jason and Sreng then. The next night I told Sreng we were going to 54. I called up Eric, he put us on the list, and we skipped the cover (which I believe was $40) and the line. We didn’t get to meet up with him that night, but I did bump into him again at another bar. That’s another story though.