Now for the sickest part: It was the USA who brought them there and used them during their attack of Fallujah. If you haven’t heard this news yet (which means that you totally managed to avoid all news outlets for the past few days), it’s time to listen up. The USA army has now admitted to using a chemical weapon called "white phosphorous" which burns through the skin and flesh of people who encounter it.
Don't know the history of this attack? The city Fallujah was a major strong-hold of fighters, the US had little control over it. So, they evacuated all the women, elderly and children (leaving the prime men behind), and then levelled the city. During this attack, we now know that they used this chemical weapon against people that were still in the city. Italian journalist reported on these facts last week, and the army has confirmed it.
Oh, and if you remember, the first few nights of bombing on Iraq were called the "shock and awe" campaigns. Now we know that their attacks on Fallujah were called "Shake and Bake." First they would "shake" the home and building (with a bombing), then "bake" anyone in there with the white phosphorous. I'm not even kidding here.
Find this outrageous and hypocritical? What can you do? Well, many are saying that the USA should be charge, or at least investigated for this crimes.
This is where we come in. We need to make sure the UN know how we feel about this. You can write to the Canadian part of the UN here: and here:
Here's the most tame picture I could find of the effects:

If you want to see the real effects of the chemical, click this link. Be warned though, this is the real costs of war.