Thursday, August 31, 2006
Veena and I went to Splash Works at Wonderland this morning, and had fun in the sun. We went down the lazy river three times, and down a whole lot of water slides. I had to drag her on some rides, but at the end of each she was laughing, and asking to go again. After a few hours we dried off, and I ate a funnel cake. Then we hit up the Dragon Flyer (or however they spell it) and some other cool rides. We left at 815. Ben, I tried texting you back 3 times, but I kept deleting my message before I sent it. I got frustrated with my fat fingers, and gave up.
That’s what I did on my day off.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Escaping the U.S... in the future.
I had the craziest dream last night. It took place in the future, buildings were tall, and mechanical things were everywhere. It started off with me hearing about a terrorist attack and how it wasn't the typical stereotypical thing (ie-middle eastern guys) "they come in all types. These three guys were white, with suits and ties" was what I heard. I could then see the scene, which had been taped by surveillance. Three guys in white shirts had metal packs strapped onto their chest, that allowed them to shoot large flames of fire. They were setting a whole area on fire. It was all boxes or something, like storage. They were doing huge damage, but the area was soooo large, that it was just a small amount of damage overall. I was suddenly there at the scene, watching them in between the rows and rows of stuff that they were lighting up. I thought to myself that I should leave, just in case. I heard sirens coming, and I began to jog. I knew that it would look suspicious for me being there, so I planned to tell the cops that I was just out on a jog. Cops ended up swarming me, in the air (they were flying robot or people things) and on the ground (in futuristic motorcycle things). I told them that I was just jogging through, but they didn't buy it, to them I was a terrorist. They took me to the jail, or whatever it was and put me in a small circular room that had next to no lights. I was interrogated there by two men, one short white guy, and another black guy (I think, or he just stayed in the shadows). I remember them spinning around me, I couldn't see them. I was disoriented, and they tortured me psychologically and maybe physically (I can't remember all the details.). {edit} It was weird. Somewhere along all this, I got away, and had on cool shoes that allowed me to jump 100's of meters into the air. I was jumping from building to building, making my way up. They were really really tall, and each had huge balconies going around each floor. They were also futuristic people wearing bright clothing on each level. The people were weird though, almost like they didn't speak my language or something. Basically, they were not on my side. This was also the US, not Canada. It was also a beautiful day out. All the time that I was making these jumps, the authorities were hot on my ass. I think I was eventually caught again and brought back to the room. The next thing I remember was that I had gotten free, and was running to get to the Canadian border crossing. It was in a building, and looked like an airport. I had to go up two escalators, all the while being chased. I remember that I didn't want to even look back, I had no time to spare. I finally made it to the metal detector, and pushed through everyone and passed into Canada. It was now modern day, and the Canadians were normal (I remember being happy that they spoke, and could understand me). I was so happy that I actually woke up!
I then had a short dream of 9inch making me laugh by joking that she is taller than her bro. I wont even describe that one, but it made me laugh like crazy!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Busy few days

On Friday I worked most the day and got ready for the yard sale. My parents and I also watched the South Park movie for the first time. It wasn’t all that great, the show has gotten a lot better since the time that it was made. I mean, Butters was barely in it!
On Saturday I got up and forced my parents to do the sale, even though they thought it was going to rain. It didn’t thankfully, and the yard sale went great. It was our first one ever, and was a lot of fun. After that I went to work only to find out that the power was out again. We sat around til 6:15 then stated a long night of work. It was a fun shift though, although I was drained.
Not much going on today either, just going to the gym and work. Anyone wanna go to the waterpark at Wonderland on Thursday? I do, as long as the weather is nice. Let me know=)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
1 year Anniversary!
August 23, 2005 was the date that this blog began. Yes, it has already been one year since the start of Hug My Soul. When I started it, I honestly didn’t think it would last that long. I found it strange to write on it, almost as if I was writing to myself. Who would read it, how much detail should I write about, how personal should it be?
But one year later, I think I’ve figured all that stuff out. I know people read it because they tell me they do, and because of all the comments! Thank you all for the comments, they really do keep my blog alive. I’m glad I kept this blog, because it shows me how I have changed over the last 12 months, and how many things I’ve experienced and learned.
There are also so many great stories about friends and good times, which makes me happy. And like any good book, there’s also stories about death, birth, confusion, dreams, politics and a little bit of sex mixed in to spice things up.
I tried to pass on knowledge that I thought was important, and I hope you guys became a bit more educated. You educated me as well. Look through this info again, its really great: Children of Beslan, Book, Middle Sex, Chemical Weapons used by USA in Iraq. There's also so much more. I feel that it's up to us to educate each other, and share info. I don't shove things down people's throat as I may have in the past, but there's so much stuff we need to know to better this world.
There were also a number of Pooncho Parties as well. These are events where we all get together and stuff our stomachs with food. Here are some of them we've gone through: Pizza Hut, Sushi on Bloor, Cookie Dough Ice Cream, Cantina Mexicana.
I've also shared some of my crazy dreams: Killed Hitler?, Jack White and a Flood, Reoccurring Dream, Nonno John, Nancy making me laugh.
There have also been a tone of great experiences with friends. Just a few were: Halloween fun times, Vegas clubbing, more Vegas clubbing, Vegas peeps, making chocolates, baby shower, Simple Connect, Vegas Tryst, Veena's Bday, Judy's Bday, 5ive, my Bday (pics), and dead battery.
I also had my fair share of rants on various issues: Evangelical Christians, Fox News, annoyances, school and life, nice guests, bottled water, less news more fun, Mexican aliens, Canadian Terrorists.
Also, my Grandfather passed over this year, and I had help through it all: sick, fatal, passed, funeral.
And of course, a blog about my life has to have stuff about me;). I told you a bit about my beliefs, experiences that I've learned from, and finally finishing my four year degree and certificate. I also went to a strip club for the first time, experienced a robbery, told you some nice work stories, won an award, and got cream pied for the first time.
Wow, those are just a few of the nearly 200 posts on this site, along with just as many comments. Thanks again, and here's to another year!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
School is Finished
And, I also got my award money from York today. They sent me $550.00 for the thesis that I wrote. I’m very happy about that too, I can’t believe that my cheap ass school is giving me money for once!
Ya, so school is over. I wonder what this will be like.=)
Thursday, August 17, 2006
No AIDS funding this week, PM says
Well, to the people who voted him in, I hope you're happy with your choice:P
Updating our Solar System
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
This Just In: WMDs Found in Iraq
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Playstation 3 VS. Wii
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Sticks and Stones

Ben, this is the same video I told you to watch months ago, you'd better watch it now!
Mike and Sidd, you'll like this as well.
Let me know what you guys think, post some comments!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Self Indulgence

Before shopping today though, I also went to Mark for a hair cut and colour. It took just under 3 and a half hours, which seems to be the average. I left much happier than the last time, Mark’s great. He cleaned me up nice, no more shaggy Stephen. I HATE being there for so long though, man I wish they could speed up the process!
Other than that, I have more time of my hand. Being out of school has freed up so much time for me, probably a little too much. This is why some of you will notice me calling you more often. I’m just looking for someone to hang out with when I’m super bored. So, if you’re every super bored as well, give me a shout. Judy, I can’t get through to you no matter when I call. Delete all those old messages so that I can leave one!;)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
CBC News: Israel to bomb all moving vehicles in southern Lebanon
Sunday, August 06, 2006
almost not single
I just got in from work, which was very slow. I was also zombie-like because of lack of sleep. On Friday, Veena and Sreng came over. We ate chicken wings, nachos and ice cream. I also called Ben, and we spoke for a little while about pink teddy bears, car chases and a girl who has 2 moms and a dad. I’ll have to call you again soon Ben, maybe sometime this weekend since my parents are gone. Sreng, Veena and I then watched a movie called Pride and Prejudice. It was a Bollywood-Hollywood type movie. It was strange, everyone spoke English, and even Ashanti was in it. I don’t like Ashanti, but she was looking good here. After that they left, and I picked up my friend from his work, and we hung out at my house.... Then we eventually slept, and I made it in for work at 530, very sleepy. It was a great start to the parental free weekend.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Last class
When I began school, I was totally lost and confused as to what to do. I got accepted as an undeclared major, and drifted through first year. I remember that almost every week I would consider dropping out. I soon identified that it was mainly one class, an online class that that causing my turmoil. I ended up dropping two classes, and really was only a part time student then. Not having a major meant no direction, which meant no motivation. So, what happened? I went to Vegas.
That Summer I went to Vegas and met up with my friend Jason there. He told me that he had graduated with a major in Communications. I looked at his life, and he had a nice place to live, and a steady job. I remembered that major when deciding on them that summer. When I looked into it, it seemed interesting and very general at the same time. This made it a safer bet for a confused little me. When I went to apply, I was told that I needed to do a double major. At the time, I chose English, but soon switched it to Psychology after reading about all the cool courses in that field. So for the next two years I balanced my course selection, being very very careful with what I took. One mistake could set me back a whole year, I had no room for error. Actually, I planned to be in school for a total of five years. At the end of my third year, I knew I needed something more. I needed something to do with business. I felt like I had learned very little practical real world knowledge. That’s when I found the marketing certificate, and signed up.
At first marketing was the polar opposite of everything I had learned in communications. Suddenly, a good ad was one that got people to buy lots of useless things. Cheap labour in poor countries was a competitive advantage, and culture jammers where no where to be heard of. Somehow I managed to adjust, learning the other side of things, and at the same time, learning that my anti consumerist views were a little too extreme. So, my last year consisted of my fourth year Communications course, my Psychology Thesis, and a pile of marketing courses.
After all this, I’m proud about where I have ended up. I did a four year double degree, and a one year certificate program in one year. And, that’s even with all the problems I had first year. Yes, I’m gloating a little, but we all earn it now and then. I even worked throughout it all, and maintained my friendships, now that’s reason to gloat!=P
Anyways, I am now even closer to that strange land that lies between full time school, and full time work.
And the best news???? The weekend is here, I have the car, and my parents are gone!!!