AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I feel better =)
I hate.....
stupid cliched sayings that are made up bullshit to make crappy situation seem good, or to make someone look smart by saying them.
AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough with the words of wisdom, and quote pulled out of your fucken ass made up by some random Carlton cards 2 bit writer!
I'm sick sick sick sick of it all. "Everything happens for a reason???" Fuck that! People only say that when something really fucked up just happened. Of course everything happens for a reason, there needs to be a reason for something to happen in the first place. It's all perspective. My cat gone run over by a car, which lead me to buy a cat I love more...see everything happens for a reason.
Stupidest saying ever, the more you think about it the less it actually makes any sense. It's really just a string of words that makes it sound positive.
That's it, I'm done with this rant. I'm off to bed now because everything happens for a reason, and my reason is that I'm sleepy!