Ya, $10 for a boost was a lot, Judy. But, I would have paid a lot more for it too, anything to get the car started;). I have to come and visit you too, I'll give you a call when I find some free time.
There's been little free time lately too, which I'm happy about. Work yesterday was busy busy, and I was there all day. It went well though.
Monday night I met up with my bestest friend in High School, Irma. It was great to catch up, and hear what's been going on in each other's lives. We went to Tim Horton's and I got another hot smoothy. Does anyone know what those things are? Are they coffee, or hot chocolate? I had a great time Irma, can't wait for next time.
Anyways, that was fun times. On Sunday I met up with Veena at Tim's, and then with Jordon afterwards. That was really great times. We even visited St. Augustine, for old times sakes.
Today I'm off to school to do my Lavalife presentation. This will be the last day for that class as well.