Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Wow, it's been a while. Upon opening my blog page I read my little comment on the side:

Why do we value money so much in our lives? Sometimes I look around and wonder if I value it too much. Has it become a measure of success for me? Wait, I know that answer already. Working hard has always been my strongest driver in life. Perhaps though, living is more than just work alone. Wait, I know that answer as well. Now, I guess the only question is when will I start living more and working less? I promise myself it will be this year, because a Soul cannot be Hugged by money forever.

Funny how plans sometimes actually pan out like you want. So, let me begin my posting with an update on the above self promise.

Short answer: Promise fulfilled.

When I wrote the above note, my life revolved around work, and how to make money. A goal that many people have somewhere in their life plans. But, I had tired of that goal, and without even knowing it, took a totally different path in my life that changed it.

Moving to Toronto a year a few months ago profoundly changed my life, and thankfully for the better.  Gone are the 60 hour work weeks, stress from parental tension, arguments, and a feeling of spinning in a circle.

Now my life is filled with a loving partner, who truly knows how to hug my soul. It's filled with a mostly supporting family. Some of the best friends I could ask for. Many fun times including dancing the night away, relaxing on the couch watching a movie, long walks or rollerblading, and all the time in the world to work out. Did I mention making money? Ya it's there too (and losing money looking at the state of the stock market, but let's not go there). 
Ya, I have a job. Not the most interesting or exciting, but one that fits my new lifestyle. Set hours, great co workers, a good wage, and less that 40 hours a week.
Best of all, I have a weekend to look forward to! There's nothing nicer than knowing you have a weekend full of fun plans coming up.

So what's my measure of success these days?


I want to experiences all the great and crazy things that life has to offer, and not miss out on anything. 
Funny thing though, like the drive to make money, this new goal comes with it's own set of issues...