Judy, you’ll be able to find lots of used DS's once the new model comes out. That should be sometime in May. It all depends on how fast they can make them. They’re selling them in Japan right now, but it’s selling like crazy, and no one can keep it in stock. Look at these people waiting for one just last week. The DS is great, Mario Kart DS rocks. The best Mario Kart ever! Once you get one we can play some multiplayer, and I’ll kick your butt!;)
Hey, and delete some of your messages. It’s always full when I call!=)
Work was busy this past weekend, lots of people. Last night it died off pretty quick though. Kyle and I shared a big family Birthday party. It went well, except for one little mistake: I punched in 5 spinach salads instead of 5 spinach dips! Man, when they brought out the salads, I was so confused. Finally I realised what I had done, and got them to quickly make the dips. Man!
Yesterday I went shopping and bought some cool clothes. I seem to only go shopping roughly four times a year, so it was fun. I’ll do some more once school slows down. I also went looking for digital cameras and a laptop. I want them both to be light, small, and strong. It’s a tough balance, but that’s what I need. I’m willing to trade some horse power for easier portability. Any suggestions guys?