Tuesday, December 06, 2005
BP Christmas Party
Well, another BP Christmas party has been had. It’s my fifth, a fact that I find hard to believe. It was a lot of fun. It’s always nice to have everyone together, relaxing and eating. There was food this year, thank god, although it was all deep fried. I don’t think I’ve eaten so much fried food in years. There’s still nothing that compares to BP Christmas Party 2003 though. Rosie had me for secret Santa, and got me a gift certificate to Prince Sushi. How great is that! We should all got together sometime this month. Oh, and I won a prize this year! A $50 gift certificate to Donato's. Jackie won a huge bath product set that weighs a metric ton. Speaking of metric, we never got our requested Metric song. I don't even remember what songs were playing last night, except for Hung Up, which got everyone going. Til next year.