Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I just got in from watching Superman. I went with Mike, Veena and Sreng. Kyle was supposed to got but I couldn’t get a hold of him. We went to see it in Imax, which was great. Parts of the movie were in 3D, which made it really really cool looking. The movie was shallow, but enjoyable. There really isn’t a beginning or conclusion, just some action that probably ties together the old Superman movies (which I haven’t seen). Normally action-only type movies are boring for me, but it was 3D, and it was Superman.
Jackie said that it felt really really long to her, but it didn’t to me. It ended just in time for me. I know there were plot holes too, and big ones at that. I can’t explain how Superman was able to do what he did in the end, but hey, he’s Superman, and he found a way. If you haven’t seen this movie in Imax, do it because it’s worth it. I wish they would have done more, there was so much more they could have done.

Batman Begins is better, okay I said it. Yes, I’m a bigger Batman fan, the truth comes out, and I always have been. I’ve seen every Batman movie and TV show episode. I’ve never seen another Superman movie.