Hi guys, and long time no see, at least read. Sorry about the downtime, I've had trouble logging in. Actually, I haven't been able to log in. But, fear not, I have found a way about it, and things should be back to normal now.
So, what have you missed? Not too much I guess. I've been working a lot, nothing new there though. I have also gone out a few times with friends to clubs and restaurants. Went to Applebee's on Friday, and that was great, I ate way too much food, and was super stuffed while I worked that night.
I've also been over to Patrycja's house a whole bunch of times, which has been great. Her daughter, Antonina, is super cute, I love her already. We have also been trying to brainstorm some business ideas. So far we haven't had much luck, but we've just begun, and have lots of time still. Besides, we can always open an adult video shop, and make some money, right Patrycja! =P
It's getting warmer outside, which is a great thing. It always feels like I'm awakening from a long dream; as the snow melts away, a fresh start begins.
I also had a pretty bad scare with Nonna Connie. She had two heart attacks a few weeks back, and was going to die. The doctors told us that it didn't look good. Thankfully, she pulled through, and is on the road to recovery. Her kidneys are working better, and she's slowing gaining her strength back. She's also back at her home, which is good for her. It was strange, seeing her in the hospital bed, and thinking that could be the last time I see her alive. It made me cry, because she didn't know how bad off she was, and was worrying about what we were going to eat for lunch. Man, it gives you some perspectives on life, and what really matters.
I also dragged Daren out to keep me company while I stuffed my face at Sushi on Bloor. Thanks for that Daren!
Oh, and I met someone who is smart, funny, and loves having long discussions about business, stocks, and world issues. Yes, really!
And now begins another exciting week.
Talk to you all soon, I promise to post!
PS- No, I will not join Facebook, it's too hip and cool for me,... period ;)
(maybe in a few years)