Today I woke up at 5; I had to go to Ryerson and enroll in a Spring course. My Dad drove me there on his way to work, and I got there at about 6:45. It was raining so hard, and I didn’t really know where to go. I also had the worst umbrella ever, the metal arms have already snapped. All the buildings that I saw looked closed. At first I waited by the Chang building, but then found an enrollment building. When I went in, there was already a small line forming by the registration desks. I filled out my forms and waiting in line for them to open. They opened at 8:15. Thank God I came early because there was a huge line up by the time they opened. I was so scared that the class I need in order to graduate would be filled. But, it wasn’t and I enrolled no problems! I’m relieved right now. Tired and relieved. I took the subway and bus back to school, where I am now.
Today I have a B2B Marketing presentation and plan due. I worked on the promotional part which looks great. It was a good group after all, most people did there work great.
I also can’t wait to get home and go to sleepzzzZZZZ