For all those fans of the book
The Age of Spiritual Machines, get ready for the sequel, because it’s out on the 22 of September. It’s called
The Singularity is Near, and further expands on the idea of the melding of machine and human into one being. It should be an interesting read, although I’ve started to doubt the speed at which he has predicted all this to occur. He also claims that the new technologies will solve our problems of world hunger and pollution. I have doubts about this, as I feel that greed will find a way between these goals. On the other hand, many Spiritualists have predicted that this will be the century that people find peace, and move towards a more spiritual goal in life (rather than money). In a hundred years people won’t even need to live on this plane, and will remain in their spiritual bodies instead (no more reincarnations). Kurzweil says that we will find immortality by being able to leave our physical bodies, and become machine. At the end of the century he predicts that immortality will be reached. Two totally different topics here, but I’ve always found their similar outlooks interesting. And I’ve always wondered what would be downloaded into the machine, would it be our souls, or mind (or do they even exist without each other). For example, when head transplants become possible, will it be in the head or the body that the soul stays with (my bet’s with the head).
Okay, now I’m getting really deep. Get the book and think some theories up on your own.
Here’s a link to the website with info: