Friday, September 30, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Here's a new link that you should all check out (if there is anyone reading this blog at all=(.
School is busy busy!
School is busy busy!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Don't Like Black People
Here’s a cool video that I found on It’s a bit extreme, but the main point is clear. Racism plays a major role in politics today, and we can see that by George Bush’s decisions. Watch it, “George Bush Don’t like Black People.”
Oh, and I still hate philosophy, as I learned once again today in class. It just seems so pointless to discuss so much. Put it into modern day context/situations, then it might interest me. Oh god.
Oh, and I still hate philosophy, as I learned once again today in class. It just seems so pointless to discuss so much. Put it into modern day context/situations, then it might interest me. Oh god.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
'Come Here Boy'
"Why are you taking so long
You need to come and find me,
honey To set your mind at rest
And let your dreams run free."
~ Imogene Heap
Sometimes it’s nice to imagine, let your dreams run wild. Sometimes, is sometimes always, and always could always be never. When so little is known, you tend to fill in the gaps in your mind with what you hope to be true. A sparkle in an eye becomes an unsaid desire, and a kiss becomes a promise of forever. But if the tongue really did fail to speak, then it’s all but fair to assume what could have been said. Where does the truth of reality end, and your imagination begin? How does one show all signs of love but never acknowledge it there. Yet, how do I allow myself to run free from the confines that I have built, and express my true desires. I will, I will. Even if only in a dream. For dreams can lead to reality, and if you want something really bad, you can almost have it.
"I want to wash up on your shore
More beauty then I’ve seen before
No secret lover will ever
take the place of you"
~ Soulstice
You need to come and find me,
honey To set your mind at rest
And let your dreams run free."
~ Imogene Heap
Sometimes it’s nice to imagine, let your dreams run wild. Sometimes, is sometimes always, and always could always be never. When so little is known, you tend to fill in the gaps in your mind with what you hope to be true. A sparkle in an eye becomes an unsaid desire, and a kiss becomes a promise of forever. But if the tongue really did fail to speak, then it’s all but fair to assume what could have been said. Where does the truth of reality end, and your imagination begin? How does one show all signs of love but never acknowledge it there. Yet, how do I allow myself to run free from the confines that I have built, and express my true desires. I will, I will. Even if only in a dream. For dreams can lead to reality, and if you want something really bad, you can almost have it.
"I want to wash up on your shore
More beauty then I’ve seen before
No secret lover will ever
take the place of you"
~ Soulstice
Monday, September 19, 2005
Well well well, it finally happened: our house was robbed.
Today, while my parents and I were out, our door was kicked open, and the intruders had their way in our home. They went through the closets, and had their picking. Strangely, they didn’t take much. As far as we can tell, they only took a few of my rings were stolen. They were worth a lot of money, but I never wore them anyways. The worst part of it is seeing that someone has gone through all your stuff. Clothes were thrown around, and things were moved. They could have made off with so much more, but thankfully they didn’t. Also, they didn’t destroy anything, like you so often hear happening. Just the lock on our front door was broken. It was bound to happen sometime, I’m just thankful it wasn’t that bad. By the looks of it, it was some young unprofessional, who just wanted money.
Is this neighbourhood changing? It seems to be.
Last night, I watch “Shake hands with the devil”, a documentary about what happened in Rwanda. Terrible stuff, I taped it for anyone who wants to watch it. If you don’t know what happened, you need to see this. We as humans have some very scary sides to us.
Today, while my parents and I were out, our door was kicked open, and the intruders had their way in our home. They went through the closets, and had their picking. Strangely, they didn’t take much. As far as we can tell, they only took a few of my rings were stolen. They were worth a lot of money, but I never wore them anyways. The worst part of it is seeing that someone has gone through all your stuff. Clothes were thrown around, and things were moved. They could have made off with so much more, but thankfully they didn’t. Also, they didn’t destroy anything, like you so often hear happening. Just the lock on our front door was broken. It was bound to happen sometime, I’m just thankful it wasn’t that bad. By the looks of it, it was some young unprofessional, who just wanted money.
Is this neighbourhood changing? It seems to be.
Last night, I watch “Shake hands with the devil”, a documentary about what happened in Rwanda. Terrible stuff, I taped it for anyone who wants to watch it. If you don’t know what happened, you need to see this. We as humans have some very scary sides to us.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Okay, now I’m getting really deep. Get the book and think some theories up on your own.
Here’s a link to the website with info:
Friday, September 16, 2005
Control with only one hand
Well well well. Tonight the Revolution was unleashed.
No one knows what I’m talking about, but that’s okay. Nintendo just showed off their controller for their new console. That normally wouldn’t be a big deal, but this thing is different, really different. Jackie will probably enjoy this post, as she’s into gaming. Follow the link:
You’ll be able to download all your old favourite NES games and play them (turn the controller on it’s side). It’s also got some cool feature about using the controller as if you were in 3D space (for new games).
Anyways, it’s the end of the school week for me. The air conditioning is back on at the gym, which is very nice! I’m also still narrowing down my thesis topic. I’m thinking about doing in-depth interviews with gay men in relationships. I want to know about all the usually unmentionables, like why they don’t show affection in public, and if “open relationships” are at all common. I’m still unsure, but this is what I’m leaning towards. It would also free me from doing any stats in my research!
Tomorrow I hope to get together with my friends, and hang out and have fun. It’s always a nice break from school work.
PS- first one who posts a comment gets whatever they want from me!
No one knows what I’m talking about, but that’s okay. Nintendo just showed off their controller for their new console. That normally wouldn’t be a big deal, but this thing is different, really different. Jackie will probably enjoy this post, as she’s into gaming. Follow the link:
You’ll be able to download all your old favourite NES games and play them (turn the controller on it’s side). It’s also got some cool feature about using the controller as if you were in 3D space (for new games).
Anyways, it’s the end of the school week for me. The air conditioning is back on at the gym, which is very nice! I’m also still narrowing down my thesis topic. I’m thinking about doing in-depth interviews with gay men in relationships. I want to know about all the usually unmentionables, like why they don’t show affection in public, and if “open relationships” are at all common. I’m still unsure, but this is what I’m leaning towards. It would also free me from doing any stats in my research!
Tomorrow I hope to get together with my friends, and hang out and have fun. It’s always a nice break from school work.
PS- first one who posts a comment gets whatever they want from me!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Long class
Wow, school is so super busy this year.
Today I had my philosophy/marking class. I never really liked philosophy, and now I dislike it even more. What’s the point of it? Today our prof just kept talking and talking: “what is truth, what is belief, how do you know which is which? When I was young I had a friend who liked to box and start fights... I was a Marxist...I am a Socialist... I read Hitler’s writings to previous classes, people got upset...Is democracy truth?” Then a student starts: “Well our society is set up with beliefs, that we see as truths, but are there any truths if beliefs are all truth which are beliefs....blah blah, (drifted away)... truth, belief... blah blah”. Then someone said something even more confusing, using the words truth and belief about three times each in the same sentence. Wow, I could have been watching K-Os, who was performing at my school at that time instead.
Thankfully, there is a advertising half to the course, so it should pick up then. There is actually another professor who will be teaching that part, so I won’t have to listen to this guy (who is smart, it’s just not my thing. Really, who cares that you got blood work done today to see what’s wrong with your foot. He told us this three times!)
Oh, and I now fully believe that my Thesis class professor is smoking something strong before class, or ate a few too many mushrooms in her early years. I feel high in that class from just listening to her!
Anyways, I finally got to tape “The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off” two nights ago. Anyone who would like to watch it, just let me know. It’s about a guy who’s going to die in a few months, and allows us to follow him through his last days. He’s got a skin disease that prevents the skin from sticking together, resulting in constant open wounds all over his body. His outlook is so positive and inspiring throughout the whole thing. With the support of his family, faith (Spiritualism), and his humour, he deals with it all admirably. It’s only 40 minutes, so it’s a short view.
One more day of school, and then it’s the weekend. I can’t wait to go to see my friends, and have some fun!
Today I had my philosophy/marking class. I never really liked philosophy, and now I dislike it even more. What’s the point of it? Today our prof just kept talking and talking: “what is truth, what is belief, how do you know which is which? When I was young I had a friend who liked to box and start fights... I was a Marxist...I am a Socialist... I read Hitler’s writings to previous classes, people got upset...Is democracy truth?” Then a student starts: “Well our society is set up with beliefs, that we see as truths, but are there any truths if beliefs are all truth which are beliefs....blah blah, (drifted away)... truth, belief... blah blah”. Then someone said something even more confusing, using the words truth and belief about three times each in the same sentence. Wow, I could have been watching K-Os, who was performing at my school at that time instead.
Thankfully, there is a advertising half to the course, so it should pick up then. There is actually another professor who will be teaching that part, so I won’t have to listen to this guy (who is smart, it’s just not my thing. Really, who cares that you got blood work done today to see what’s wrong with your foot. He told us this three times!)
Oh, and I now fully believe that my Thesis class professor is smoking something strong before class, or ate a few too many mushrooms in her early years. I feel high in that class from just listening to her!
Anyways, I finally got to tape “The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off” two nights ago. Anyone who would like to watch it, just let me know. It’s about a guy who’s going to die in a few months, and allows us to follow him through his last days. He’s got a skin disease that prevents the skin from sticking together, resulting in constant open wounds all over his body. His outlook is so positive and inspiring throughout the whole thing. With the support of his family, faith (Spiritualism), and his humour, he deals with it all admirably. It’s only 40 minutes, so it’s a short view.
One more day of school, and then it’s the weekend. I can’t wait to go to see my friends, and have some fun!
Monday, September 12, 2005
The "News"
"We paid $3 billion for these television stations. We will decide what the news is. The news is what we tell you it is."
......said by station manager, David Boylan, at Fox News.
Sounds like an interesting way to present the news, eh? Well, this post is about the Monsanto-Fox news scandal that you have probably heard me speak of. In summary, this is what happened:
At Fox news, a few reporters uncovered some facts about cows that have been injected with Bovine growth hormones. These hormones cause them to produce an unnatural amount of milk. Studies showed that this milk could be carcinogenic (cancer causing). When the reporters wanted to air the story, Fox news stopped them. The rest of the story contains bribes, lies, and court hearings. Please read some of the info on these links for the fuller story. Oh, and yes, they still sell this milk in the U.S.
Oh, and don’t worry about our milk. Health Canada has never approved Bovine to be used in our cows, although many are pressuring them to do so.
......said by station manager, David Boylan, at Fox News.
Sounds like an interesting way to present the news, eh? Well, this post is about the Monsanto-Fox news scandal that you have probably heard me speak of. In summary, this is what happened:
At Fox news, a few reporters uncovered some facts about cows that have been injected with Bovine growth hormones. These hormones cause them to produce an unnatural amount of milk. Studies showed that this milk could be carcinogenic (cancer causing). When the reporters wanted to air the story, Fox news stopped them. The rest of the story contains bribes, lies, and court hearings. Please read some of the info on these links for the fuller story. Oh, and yes, they still sell this milk in the U.S.
Oh, and don’t worry about our milk. Health Canada has never approved Bovine to be used in our cows, although many are pressuring them to do so.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
"Demons be goooooone!"
I just have to get something off my chest:
Evangelical Christians, stay put in the southern conservative land that you came from. Where does that statement come from? Well, I’ve been hearing stories from fellow servers about people preaching Jesus to them. Actually, I’ve served these people too. Now, Jesus is cool and all, but not what I have been seeing. The scene is always similar: One fat, white, American, and a family of newly immigrated people (or they are at least pretty new to the country). These so called “missionaries” seem to be trying to recruit Canadians, in a growing movement to spread conservatism. (Or is it about the money that they would “collect” from these people?) Actually, it would not be fair to limit this to immigrants, as all Canadians are probably wanted. It's just that those new to the country are probably easiest to sway. I’m tired of people believing in Benny Hinn, sending him money, and believing that they will be cured. I’m tired of the conservative crap that flows out of US networks (Fox News anyone?). I’m tired of hearing about states passing laws AGAINST gay marriage, and human rights. I'm tired of hearing people try to debate whether evolution should be taught in school, or have it be called an "unproven theory" (ya, because we all know that there's proof that humans and dinosaurs walked side by side). I'm tired of Americans getting miffed at some sex scene in a game, but not caring about the violence in it (GTA:SA). I’m sure that Jesus would not promote violence over sex. And, I’m really tired of people trying to spread that bullshit to our country. Extremist American Christian groups have admitted to funding anti gay marriage groups in Canada. Yes, in Canada!
I say, mind your own business. Join some crazy Mormon group and have 50 wives if you want, just leave us alone. And while you’re at it, take your British Colombian-mormon-polygamist-colony with you.
There's my extreme rant for the month, thank you for listening.
Evangelical Christians, stay put in the southern conservative land that you came from. Where does that statement come from? Well, I’ve been hearing stories from fellow servers about people preaching Jesus to them. Actually, I’ve served these people too. Now, Jesus is cool and all, but not what I have been seeing. The scene is always similar: One fat, white, American, and a family of newly immigrated people (or they are at least pretty new to the country). These so called “missionaries” seem to be trying to recruit Canadians, in a growing movement to spread conservatism. (Or is it about the money that they would “collect” from these people?) Actually, it would not be fair to limit this to immigrants, as all Canadians are probably wanted. It's just that those new to the country are probably easiest to sway. I’m tired of people believing in Benny Hinn, sending him money, and believing that they will be cured. I’m tired of the conservative crap that flows out of US networks (Fox News anyone?). I’m tired of hearing about states passing laws AGAINST gay marriage, and human rights. I'm tired of hearing people try to debate whether evolution should be taught in school, or have it be called an "unproven theory" (ya, because we all know that there's proof that humans and dinosaurs walked side by side). I'm tired of Americans getting miffed at some sex scene in a game, but not caring about the violence in it (GTA:SA). I’m sure that Jesus would not promote violence over sex. And, I’m really tired of people trying to spread that bullshit to our country. Extremist American Christian groups have admitted to funding anti gay marriage groups in Canada. Yes, in Canada!
I say, mind your own business. Join some crazy Mormon group and have 50 wives if you want, just leave us alone. And while you’re at it, take your British Colombian-mormon-polygamist-colony with you.
There's my extreme rant for the month, thank you for listening.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Back to School!
Today was my first day back at York U. It’s only been a month since I was last there, but there are new buildings open, and more new policies. One which actually works out is the new online registration for a GO pass certificate. Much easier than waiting in a 1-2 hour line. Finally, an improvement that really improves the student’s life!
My Research Methods Prof. seems like a real stoner/hippie. She just talks and her thoughts wonder all over. We had to introduce ourselves, and tell our favourite dishes. She then tried desperately to remember each person’s name. Put it this way, I had to tell her my name 3 times, and mine was the simplest of the class. By the end, she was calling one guy Crystal Ball, and another Sunrise. And the workload is absolutely unbelievable. There are at least 2 things do each week, and that does not include our big projects and exams. Plus the text readings, and research gathering. In my philosophy class, there will be a 28 page assignment due (on top of other shorter ones). Good god, 28 pages to fill!
I also got to see some familiar faces, and many new ones. I spent $300 on books, and plan on spending much more.
Tonight, I finished taping “The Power of Nightmares” on newsworld. You’re all welcome and encouraged to borrow it. It’s about how politicians now use imagined fears to further their policies. The main thesis is that Al Queda, as a world wide terrorist organisation, does NOT exist. Also, I’m right now taping “Children of Beslan,” so that too is for anyone who wishes to view it.
Over and out!
My Research Methods Prof. seems like a real stoner/hippie. She just talks and her thoughts wonder all over. We had to introduce ourselves, and tell our favourite dishes. She then tried desperately to remember each person’s name. Put it this way, I had to tell her my name 3 times, and mine was the simplest of the class. By the end, she was calling one guy Crystal Ball, and another Sunrise. And the workload is absolutely unbelievable. There are at least 2 things do each week, and that does not include our big projects and exams. Plus the text readings, and research gathering. In my philosophy class, there will be a 28 page assignment due (on top of other shorter ones). Good god, 28 pages to fill!
I also got to see some familiar faces, and many new ones. I spent $300 on books, and plan on spending much more.
Tonight, I finished taping “The Power of Nightmares” on newsworld. You’re all welcome and encouraged to borrow it. It’s about how politicians now use imagined fears to further their policies. The main thesis is that Al Queda, as a world wide terrorist organisation, does NOT exist. Also, I’m right now taping “Children of Beslan,” so that too is for anyone who wishes to view it.
Over and out!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
No Longer a Strip Club Virgin!
“Shake your dicks
Shake your dicks,
Shake your tits
Shake your tits”
I had another dream to write about. This is a short one. My teeth fell out, and I was keeping them to bring to the dentist (so that she could put them back in). Some little brat/bitch took them while I wasn’t there, and broke them (some of them were still attached to pieces of gum. Ya, sounds gross). She found it very funny, but I was pissed.
What does it mean? Well, I used to have these dreams all the time as a child. I think these dreams represent a fear of body decay or long term injury. I don’t know though, that’s just a guess. It was probably spurred by the fact that I’ve been wearing my retainer again.
My friends and I went to the EX on Sunday, which was fun. Lots of walking and eating. Vincent and Vicky came too, so that was cool. The air show was amazing (although I didn’t catch the Snowbirds). After that, we went downtown and I had a“first” in my life. Sreng took us to a strip show! It was my first time there (or to any strip club for that matter), and was what I expected it would be. It’s usually an all male affair, but Sunday is “women’s night”. One very special friend also got a private lap dance by a Latin lover=0
Tomorrow is the first day of fall term, and I’m excited. I can’t wait to get a bit farther in furthering my career, and ultimately, my life. The sooner I finish school, the sooner I can really start my life. Moving out is my next big step in life. I know it will be a big one, but I know it will really mature me as a person. So, now it will be back to the old routine -study, study, study, study, friends, work, work, study, family and going to the gym in between of all of these. Time to get ready for tomorrow!
Shake your dicks,
Shake your tits
Shake your tits”
I had another dream to write about. This is a short one. My teeth fell out, and I was keeping them to bring to the dentist (so that she could put them back in). Some little brat/bitch took them while I wasn’t there, and broke them (some of them were still attached to pieces of gum. Ya, sounds gross). She found it very funny, but I was pissed.
What does it mean? Well, I used to have these dreams all the time as a child. I think these dreams represent a fear of body decay or long term injury. I don’t know though, that’s just a guess. It was probably spurred by the fact that I’ve been wearing my retainer again.
My friends and I went to the EX on Sunday, which was fun. Lots of walking and eating. Vincent and Vicky came too, so that was cool. The air show was amazing (although I didn’t catch the Snowbirds). After that, we went downtown and I had a“first” in my life. Sreng took us to a strip show! It was my first time there (or to any strip club for that matter), and was what I expected it would be. It’s usually an all male affair, but Sunday is “women’s night”. One very special friend also got a private lap dance by a Latin lover=0
Tomorrow is the first day of fall term, and I’m excited. I can’t wait to get a bit farther in furthering my career, and ultimately, my life. The sooner I finish school, the sooner I can really start my life. Moving out is my next big step in life. I know it will be a big one, but I know it will really mature me as a person. So, now it will be back to the old routine -study, study, study, study, friends, work, work, study, family and going to the gym in between of all of these. Time to get ready for tomorrow!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Children of Beslan
Well, I got my CBC fix last night with the airing of the new doc “Children of Beslan”. Wow, it totally blew me away. The children from the school told their stories of what happened, and it was incredibly powerful. The hell that these children went through was unimaginable. I didn’t tape it, but please watch it when it airs again on CBC newsworld. This is a must see because it shows the spectrum of humanity of both the terrorists and the hostages. Here’s a link to the HBO site for the doc, there is a lot of good info here as well.