I just have to get something off my chest:
Evangelical Christians, stay put in the southern conservative land that you came from. Where does that statement come from? Well, I’ve been hearing stories from fellow servers about people preaching Jesus to them. Actually, I’ve served these people too. Now, Jesus is cool and all, but not what I have been seeing. The scene is always similar: One fat, white, American, and a family of newly immigrated people (or they are at least pretty new to the country). These so called “missionaries” seem to be trying to recruit Canadians, in a growing movement to spread conservatism. (Or is it about the money that they would “collect” from these people?) Actually, it would not be fair to limit this to immigrants, as all Canadians are probably wanted. It's just that those new to the country are probably easiest to sway. I’m tired of people believing in Benny Hinn, sending him money, and believing that they will be cured. I’m tired of the conservative crap that flows out of US networks (Fox News anyone?). I’m tired of hearing about states passing laws AGAINST gay marriage, and human rights. I'm tired of hearing people try to debate whether evolution should be taught in school, or have it be called an "unproven theory" (ya, because we all know that there's proof that humans and dinosaurs walked side by side). I'm tired of Americans getting miffed at some sex scene in a game, but not caring about the violence in it (GTA:SA). I’m sure that Jesus would not promote violence over sex. And, I’m really tired of people trying to spread that bullshit to our country. Extremist American Christian groups have admitted to funding anti gay marriage groups in Canada. Yes, in Canada!
I say, mind your own business. Join some crazy Mormon group and have 50 wives if you want, just leave us alone. And while you’re at it, take your British Colombian-mormon-polygamist-colony with you.
There's my extreme rant for the month, thank you for listening.
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