Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Long class

Wow, school is so super busy this year.
Today I had my philosophy/marking class. I never really liked philosophy, and now I dislike it even more. What’s the point of it? Today our prof just kept talking and talking: “what is truth, what is belief, how do you know which is which? When I was young I had a friend who liked to box and start fights... I was a Marxist...I am a Socialist... I read Hitler’s writings to previous classes, people got upset...Is democracy truth?” Then a student starts: “Well our society is set up with beliefs, that we see as truths, but are there any truths if beliefs are all truth which are beliefs....blah blah, (drifted away)... truth, belief... blah blah”. Then someone said something even more confusing, using the words truth and belief about three times each in the same sentence. Wow, I could have been watching K-Os, who was performing at my school at that time instead.
Thankfully, there is a advertising half to the course, so it should pick up then. There is actually another professor who will be teaching that part, so I won’t have to listen to this guy (who is smart, it’s just not my thing. Really, who cares that you got blood work done today to see what’s wrong with your foot. He told us this three times!)
Oh, and I now fully believe that my Thesis class professor is smoking something strong before class, or ate a few too many mushrooms in her early years. I feel high in that class from just listening to her!
Anyways, I finally got to tape “The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off” two nights ago. Anyone who would like to watch it, just let me know. It’s about a guy who’s going to die in a few months, and allows us to follow him through his last days. He’s got a skin disease that prevents the skin from sticking together, resulting in constant open wounds all over his body. His outlook is so positive and inspiring throughout the whole thing. With the support of his family, faith (Spiritualism), and his humour, he deals with it all admirably. It’s only 40 minutes, so it’s a short view.
One more day of school, and then it’s the weekend. I can’t wait to go to see my friends, and have some fun!

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