wow, after so many months away, here I find myself when I need a hug.
The sun can shine so brightly in the sky, so warm and wonderful.
It can shine everyday, be there every morning when you open your eyes.
It can become such a perfect routine, that you almost start to take it for granted.
Inside, you tell yourself that it won't last always, and you try and convince your heart of the same.
But, the heart just knows the comfort of the perfect situation.
Everything aligns just right, everyday for so many days.
And days become weeks, and even months.
The mind forgets to remind the heart not to take the constant yellow glow for granted.
(or maybe it has forgotten this itself)
One day a cloud is seem off in the distance, but it is disregarded.
It will never make it here, and even if it does, it will not shatter the sunlight.
One morning, the cloud is high in the sky.
But, the shine shines on, just as predicted. Nothing has changed, happiness reigns still, uninterrupted.
The next morning the cloud is gone, and it is like that for the next 3 days. In the afternoon of the 4th though, the sun is gone.
The cloud has returned with a vengence. It has become lighting, thunder, and darkness.
The sunlight has stopped. Just for a day, but it is gone.
The next morning the cloud is gone, and it is bright again. The sun shines through, and it doesn't seem that too much has changed. Some say that weeds will begin to grow in the garden because of the rain.
But, that is paid no attention, as the cloud was just a one time thing, and mistake in paradise.
A mistake, that occurs again one week later. And again a few days later. The weeds are seen in the garden, and I am reminded of how it is like to have them there. To not have unending perfection.
My stomach turns at the thought of the cloud. Why can't it just blow away, and why must it be so close to the sun always. It is always there now, always near the sun.
Am I here for a hug, or just to rediscover my moral soul?
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