Monday, June 19, 2006

Goodbye Ryerson

My Ryerson course is officially over! I'm very happy too, because I didn't like my group. The two girls in it were best friends or something, and always spoke in Urdu to each other. The other guy, liked to talk the talk, but couldn't walk it. His part was so badly done, and it was embarrassing during the presentation. One of his pie graphs added up to well over 100%.
Man, I'm just glad it's over. Now I'm down to three courses left. I still have one more midterm on Wednesday though. After that I should have more free time to myself.

Work this weekend was busy for me, and a little boring. Jackie didn't work, Kyle didn't work, and 9inch didn't work. There were a lot of parties too, which all turned out well.

I have an appointment with the Ryerson careers centre in a few minute. They're helping me out with writing my resume. It was sooo out of date. Finding a job is a very complex process, with cover letters, different types of resumes, and just finding places that are hiring. Like Sreng would say "that's the real world".

On Friday we went out to an Italian buffet restaurant, Frankie Tomatto's. (Judy, is this the same place you were telling me about?) It was really good, they had great beef ribs. King Pooncho ate a lot, oh course. It was funny to see an Italian restaurant run by all Asian people. I'm sure the Italian Mafioso were around somewhere in the back. After that we stayed in the parking lot, and Sreng, Veena, and I played DS together. Veena let Daren play too, because he's not cool and doesn't have one;). It was fun times.
Yesterday, for Father's day, my family and I went to the cemetery to see Nonno John's plaque on the wall. It was funny, we were taking pictures and telling stories. It's good that it's not a morbid visit to make.
Anyways, I'm off.

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