CBC News: U.S. Supreme Court quashes 'illegal' Guantanamo trials
Well, I guess it's nice to know that there is some sanity when it comes to this issue. I mean, this jail was located in Cuba for a reason...
Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Like Lighting

Tomorrow I’m going to York for my $10 resume session (not the most interesting thing you can get fo 10 dollar). But, a resume is soooo important. To me, it’s part of my ticket out of this house.
After that I’m off to the dentist to show her that my fillings from the last time I was there are gone. One is giving me a toothache too sometimes. I can’t wait to get them refilled. Maybe I’ll do the metal this time, hopefully it lasts a little longer than a few months. Especially since my insurance ends once school does.
Then, Matt and I will either stick around here or go meet his friends in Hamilton. The rest of the long weekend I will be working. Monday though, I have off, and will find something to do.
Oh, and what’s up with the weather? It’s like a scene out of The Lathe of Heaven (read this book!). I’ve never seen so many random thunderstorms. I love them, but it’s probably not the best sign of our environment’s health. Thunderstorms are sexy. Nothing else to say about that.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Look, no cables! I just finished setting up my wireless home network, and am writing this from my laptop, with wireless internet! It's great, I feel so free. Now I can watch porn in any room of my house! Jokes, but I guess I could. Actually, now I can check my email anywhere, making my habit into an addiction for sure. Other bonus news? Wireless internet means wifi. Wifi mean Nintendo wifi connection. And that means online DS. Yes, my DS is online. Sreng, buy yourself a copy of Mario Kart or Tetris, and we will be able to play against each other anytime!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
The Annual Summer BBQ
Wow, I’m full. Today we had a big BBQ at our house, and had lots of family over. It was an alright time, although it was kinda boring for me at times. It’s funny how little I have in common with my cousins. I kept wishing that all you were there instead. It was great seeing Nonna Connie again, and she got to see all the gardens. I also showed her my birthday pics, and spent one on one time together. It was strange not have Nonno John here this year. He was usually singing up a storm with my other grandmother.
Today was also the Pride Parade in TO, so happy pride to all those who celebrated. I’ve never been to the parade, but it looks like a crazy party. It's a bit over the top for me I think. I read that the theme this year was “fearless,” representing that so many parts of the world still don’t accept this issue. I say that Toronto, and all Canada still has a problem with it, and it can be found anywhere.
Work this weekend was slow, but I was training the new girl which made it busier. It was fun times though, all the cool people worked, even Sheehira. It was great seeing you again by the way!
I’m also totally addicted to the New Super Mario game. I just finished world 2, and can’t wait to play more. I’m so glad that I waited until my midterms were over before I got it! I feel like my 8 year old self again with this game.
Tomorrow is my first Monday off in a long time. I hope it doesn’t rain because I’d like to get dirty in the garden.
That’s it from me.
Today was also the Pride Parade in TO, so happy pride to all those who celebrated. I’ve never been to the parade, but it looks like a crazy party. It's a bit over the top for me I think. I read that the theme this year was “fearless,” representing that so many parts of the world still don’t accept this issue. I say that Toronto, and all Canada still has a problem with it, and it can be found anywhere.
Work this weekend was slow, but I was training the new girl which made it busier. It was fun times though, all the cool people worked, even Sheehira. It was great seeing you again by the way!
I’m also totally addicted to the New Super Mario game. I just finished world 2, and can’t wait to play more. I’m so glad that I waited until my midterms were over before I got it! I feel like my 8 year old self again with this game.
Tomorrow is my first Monday off in a long time. I hope it doesn’t rain because I’d like to get dirty in the garden.
That’s it from me.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Goodbye Veena
Veena is leaving us tomorrow morning! She’s off to Florida for a family trip. Have fun Veena, I hope you survive the many hours in the van with all your siblings and parents. Thank god for the DS eh? Make sure to eat at a restaurant, and get all the huge servings they give you there. Remember, AmErica!
Tonight, Matt and I went out to dinner to Kelsey’s. It was nice. I had some type of stir-fry thing with steak in it. It was good. We also had some of the greatest conservations, and I’m now very interested to learn about "hermaphrodites" (intersexed people). Matt, I found this site, that has some answers.
After that, Matt went home, and them Veena, Sreng and I went to Timmy’s for coffee, ice caps and tea. After that we found ourselves in a parking lot playing DS. Now that I’m finished my midterms, my New Super Mario ban is off. Now I just need to find a place that has it in stock, I can’t wait!
Right now, I’m just eating Greek salad and chips. I have to start eating more before I go to bed, so that I keep my weight on. Last week I stopped eating before bed and dropped the 4 pounds that I had gained. Pooncho had a ravenous metabolism.
Tomorrow I work at lunch and night. I didn’t know that I had the lunch shift too, but I do. It’s all good, I’ll find something to do on my break. Maybe I’ll bring my DS, or homework.
Oh, and I also got a laptop! Now I just have to figure out how to work it.
Tonight, Matt and I went out to dinner to Kelsey’s. It was nice. I had some type of stir-fry thing with steak in it. It was good. We also had some of the greatest conservations, and I’m now very interested to learn about "hermaphrodites" (intersexed people). Matt, I found this site, that has some answers.
After that, Matt went home, and them Veena, Sreng and I went to Timmy’s for coffee, ice caps and tea. After that we found ourselves in a parking lot playing DS. Now that I’m finished my midterms, my New Super Mario ban is off. Now I just need to find a place that has it in stock, I can’t wait!
Right now, I’m just eating Greek salad and chips. I have to start eating more before I go to bed, so that I keep my weight on. Last week I stopped eating before bed and dropped the 4 pounds that I had gained. Pooncho had a ravenous metabolism.
Tomorrow I work at lunch and night. I didn’t know that I had the lunch shift too, but I do. It’s all good, I’ll find something to do on my break. Maybe I’ll bring my DS, or homework.
Oh, and I also got a laptop! Now I just have to figure out how to work it.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Stupid song
Why do I have the new Paris Hilton song stuck in my head? If only my marketing material could do the same. I have my last midterm in a few hours.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Goodbye Ryerson
My Ryerson course is officially over! I'm very happy too, because I didn't like my group. The two girls in it were best friends or something, and always spoke in Urdu to each other. The other guy, liked to talk the talk, but couldn't walk it. His part was so badly done, and it was embarrassing during the presentation. One of his pie graphs added up to well over 100%.
Man, I'm just glad it's over. Now I'm down to three courses left. I still have one more midterm on Wednesday though. After that I should have more free time to myself.
Work this weekend was busy for me, and a little boring. Jackie didn't work, Kyle didn't work, and 9inch didn't work. There were a lot of parties too, which all turned out well.
I have an appointment with the Ryerson careers centre in a few minute. They're helping me out with writing my resume. It was sooo out of date. Finding a job is a very complex process, with cover letters, different types of resumes, and just finding places that are hiring. Like Sreng would say "that's the real world".
On Friday we went out to an Italian buffet restaurant, Frankie Tomatto's. (Judy, is this the same place you were telling me about?) It was really good, they had great beef ribs. King Pooncho ate a lot, oh course. It was funny to see an Italian restaurant run by all Asian people. I'm sure the Italian Mafioso were around somewhere in the back. After that we stayed in the parking lot, and Sreng, Veena, and I played DS together. Veena let Daren play too, because he's not cool and doesn't have one;). It was fun times.
Yesterday, for Father's day, my family and I went to the cemetery to see Nonno John's plaque on the wall. It was funny, we were taking pictures and telling stories. It's good that it's not a morbid visit to make.
Anyways, I'm off.
Man, I'm just glad it's over. Now I'm down to three courses left. I still have one more midterm on Wednesday though. After that I should have more free time to myself.
Work this weekend was busy for me, and a little boring. Jackie didn't work, Kyle didn't work, and 9inch didn't work. There were a lot of parties too, which all turned out well.
I have an appointment with the Ryerson careers centre in a few minute. They're helping me out with writing my resume. It was sooo out of date. Finding a job is a very complex process, with cover letters, different types of resumes, and just finding places that are hiring. Like Sreng would say "that's the real world".
On Friday we went out to an Italian buffet restaurant, Frankie Tomatto's. (Judy, is this the same place you were telling me about?) It was really good, they had great beef ribs. King Pooncho ate a lot, oh course. It was funny to see an Italian restaurant run by all Asian people. I'm sure the Italian Mafioso were around somewhere in the back. After that we stayed in the parking lot, and Sreng, Veena, and I played DS together. Veena let Daren play too, because he's not cool and doesn't have one;). It was fun times.
Yesterday, for Father's day, my family and I went to the cemetery to see Nonno John's plaque on the wall. It was funny, we were taking pictures and telling stories. It's good that it's not a morbid visit to make.
Anyways, I'm off.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Birthday Pictures.
Okay, it's picture time. These were all taken on my Birthday at Cantina Mexicana. A tragedy occurred though, and Judy and baby are not in any of them. We always start taking pictures too late. But, they turned out well.
Here's one of all of us after leaving, with very full tummies. From left: Matt, Me, Veena, Daren, Vicky, and Sreng:
Here's one of all of us after leaving, with very full tummies. From left: Matt, Me, Veena, Daren, Vicky, and Sreng:
Wow, this next picture is funny. There's the 3 fallic symbols, and a burning candle near my crotch. Yes, do sit on my lap of luxury:
Nice bunny ears there 9inch, very funny fat ass;). Is this our Ken are Barbie picture?:
Here's Michelle, trying to steal the spotlight, as per usual;) :
And here's another one of all of us as we were leaving. A nice woman took the picture for us, so even Michelle is in this group shot:
Ya, so no pics of me in my birthday suit, just pics of my Birthday. Thanks again for the great time guys!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
DS threesome
This week has been going well so far. Tomorrow I have an exam, as well as on Friday. That sucks, but I’m glad to get them over with.
This week saw my two best friends both join the Nintendo DS party. Sreng and Veena are both proud owners of the new DS “lite” model, which looks great. I'm not jealous, I swear. I can’t wait to have some multiplayer action going on! You guys had better practice hard=).
Yesterday Matt and I went for a walk around a park. That was fun, thank you Matt. After that I went with Veena to buy her DS at Wal-Mart. They were sold out of most of the games, but she got Big Brain Academy, which is a lot of fun. New Super Mario Bros. was out of stock still. Soon my exams will be over, and I will be able to live my dream of an all new 2D Mario bros.
I also met with someone today to get help with my resume. I need serious help!
That’s been it, it’s all about exams for the next two days. Talk to you after that.
This week saw my two best friends both join the Nintendo DS party. Sreng and Veena are both proud owners of the new DS “lite” model, which looks great. I'm not jealous, I swear. I can’t wait to have some multiplayer action going on! You guys had better practice hard=).
Yesterday Matt and I went for a walk around a park. That was fun, thank you Matt. After that I went with Veena to buy her DS at Wal-Mart. They were sold out of most of the games, but she got Big Brain Academy, which is a lot of fun. New Super Mario Bros. was out of stock still. Soon my exams will be over, and I will be able to live my dream of an all new 2D Mario bros.
I also met with someone today to get help with my resume. I need serious help!
That’s been it, it’s all about exams for the next two days. Talk to you after that.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Best Birthday Ever
Wow, I really mean that title too, it was the best. It was the best because I had all of you be a part of it (awww).
We went to Cantina Mexicana, where everyone joined us. Sreng, Veena, Matt, Michelle, Judy, Kaitlyn, 9inch, Daren, Vicky were all there. I think that was a record amount of close friends that I had show up to my bday. We ate a lot, the food was great. I even got to have a Corona with 9inch Nancy, which was cool. Kaitlyn was beautiful, Judy she’s growing fast! She didn’t even cry, she’s the greatest.
After we ate, and ate, we then ate cake. My pant button was undone pretty fast to make room for the growing Pooncho (King Pooncho!).
After that, we all went back to my place minus Judy and baby, Nancy, and Vicky. Vicky, thank you so much for coming, and for the cake, it was great! Also, that mug is very cool. Judy, it was great seeing you again, and Kaitlyn. I can’t wait to go to that Tomato restaurant with you, just let me know when (after 2 weeks though, I have exams=). Nancy, thank you for coming to, and being nice to me. Don’t keep it up though, I like you keeping me in line=)
At home we played some skipping rope game, Mario kart, and Monkey balls. Michelle, I was proud that you tired, you did good. Same goes to you Matt, next time I have to show you some Resident Evil.
After that, Matt had to get going, as did Michelle. We said bye, then Veena, Sreng, Daren and I went to Timmy’s at Shoppers World. There, the cherry on the cake came from a phone call from Ben. It was great speaking to you Ben, really great. I wasn’t able to find myself any strippers though, you’ll have to find me some in LA, if I come to visit.
Damian came, and picked up Daren, and that night was over. Thanks for coming to Daren, the cd is great. I will have to make you a copy for sure.
Then, today was a relaxing day. I should have been studying, but I’ve already read all the chapters of the text, so I was okay. My parents went to Oshawa, and Matt came over to my house. We watched some Hellraiser, which was gross, in a good way though. He had to get going, and then, Veena came over with more cake. Sreng joined us soon after, with his brand new Nintendo DS lite, which is very cool. Welcome Sreng, to the great world of DS. Now I have someone to play with me. We ate Veena’s cheesecake, and then celebrated my Birthday again with a third cake. That was great, thanks a lot guys.
Now, I’m just getting ready for bed, and looking forward to a week with 3 exams. Or, at least looking forward to getting them over with!
Thanks again to all of you. I'll load up some pics soon too [EDIT:click here to see them].
Oh! And thank you Jackie for the card, that was great! Pooncho rock on forever!
Next person’s Birthday: MIKE from BP.
We went to Cantina Mexicana, where everyone joined us. Sreng, Veena, Matt, Michelle, Judy, Kaitlyn, 9inch, Daren, Vicky were all there. I think that was a record amount of close friends that I had show up to my bday. We ate a lot, the food was great. I even got to have a Corona with 9inch Nancy, which was cool. Kaitlyn was beautiful, Judy she’s growing fast! She didn’t even cry, she’s the greatest.
After we ate, and ate, we then ate cake. My pant button was undone pretty fast to make room for the growing Pooncho (King Pooncho!).
After that, we all went back to my place minus Judy and baby, Nancy, and Vicky. Vicky, thank you so much for coming, and for the cake, it was great! Also, that mug is very cool. Judy, it was great seeing you again, and Kaitlyn. I can’t wait to go to that Tomato restaurant with you, just let me know when (after 2 weeks though, I have exams=). Nancy, thank you for coming to, and being nice to me. Don’t keep it up though, I like you keeping me in line=)
At home we played some skipping rope game, Mario kart, and Monkey balls. Michelle, I was proud that you tired, you did good. Same goes to you Matt, next time I have to show you some Resident Evil.
After that, Matt had to get going, as did Michelle. We said bye, then Veena, Sreng, Daren and I went to Timmy’s at Shoppers World. There, the cherry on the cake came from a phone call from Ben. It was great speaking to you Ben, really great. I wasn’t able to find myself any strippers though, you’ll have to find me some in LA, if I come to visit.
Damian came, and picked up Daren, and that night was over. Thanks for coming to Daren, the cd is great. I will have to make you a copy for sure.
Then, today was a relaxing day. I should have been studying, but I’ve already read all the chapters of the text, so I was okay. My parents went to Oshawa, and Matt came over to my house. We watched some Hellraiser, which was gross, in a good way though. He had to get going, and then, Veena came over with more cake. Sreng joined us soon after, with his brand new Nintendo DS lite, which is very cool. Welcome Sreng, to the great world of DS. Now I have someone to play with me. We ate Veena’s cheesecake, and then celebrated my Birthday again with a third cake. That was great, thanks a lot guys.
Now, I’m just getting ready for bed, and looking forward to a week with 3 exams. Or, at least looking forward to getting them over with!
Thanks again to all of you. I'll load up some pics soon too [EDIT:click here to see them].
Oh! And thank you Jackie for the card, that was great! Pooncho rock on forever!
Next person’s Birthday: MIKE from BP.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
So, my birthday got off to a great start at work tonight. I was in the bar talking to Nancy when she said “oh, give me a sec, watch that table there, make sure they don’t leave without paying.” Okay, so I do. They still have half a pitcher of beer left, and eventually I’m like “what the fuck?” I see her and say “how long do I have to stay here?”
She’s says I could leave because Jen’s back in the bar. I go to table 14 and start my cashout. Here comes Rose and says suspiciously “oh Steve can you help me out over there? (on the other side of the restaurant)”
I say “with what?”
“Oh, I have to set up a party that’s coming in tomorrow.”
I get suspicious here, and walk with her to table 64, and start putting the tables together. After setting up two rows, I lose my suspicion because there was no one else lurking around or anything. Then I hear clapping. Out comes Nancy holding the Vanilla Bean cake, being followed by the whole staff, even kitchen, all singing Happy Birthday.
Just as they finished singing, I think to myself “thank god they didn’t make me stand up or anything embarrassing like that, phew.” That’s when Pat hit the whip cream pie in my face.
Yes, first cream pie to hit my face. I didn’t care either, it was great.
Great times at BP, thanks again guys, you are the best!
She’s says I could leave because Jen’s back in the bar. I go to table 14 and start my cashout. Here comes Rose and says suspiciously “oh Steve can you help me out over there? (on the other side of the restaurant)”
I say “with what?”
“Oh, I have to set up a party that’s coming in tomorrow.”
I get suspicious here, and walk with her to table 64, and start putting the tables together. After setting up two rows, I lose my suspicion because there was no one else lurking around or anything. Then I hear clapping. Out comes Nancy holding the Vanilla Bean cake, being followed by the whole staff, even kitchen, all singing Happy Birthday.
Just as they finished singing, I think to myself “thank god they didn’t make me stand up or anything embarrassing like that, phew.” That’s when Pat hit the whip cream pie in my face.
Yes, first cream pie to hit my face. I didn’t care either, it was great.
Great times at BP, thanks again guys, you are the best!
Friday, June 09, 2006
events of the last few days.
So, Canada was almost bombed by a bunch of guys who live here, and don’t seem to like it very much. They supposedly wanted to bomb the TSX, CN Tower and the CBC, along with chopping off Stephen Harper’s head. What was the point they were trying to make?
None that I can think of. I was planning to write a lot about this subject, but there isn’t a lot to discuss. There was no logic behind their plan, and no message that would be gained. They wanted to bomb the CBC! It’s about the only Canadian news channel that shows documentaries and shows that detail the plight of Iraqis, Afganis, and other Islamic nations. Why bomb them? Why bomb Toronto for the matter? It’s one of the most welcoming cities for multiculturalism in the world. Canada didn’t go to war in Iraq, and only went to Afghanistan as part of the UN. Anyways...
What else has been going on this week that has kept me from posting? Well, school work, group meetings, seeing a movie....What? Seeing a movie, me?
Yes, I do go out from time to time and see a movie at the theatres. This time I went with Matt, who I met a BP last weekend. We ate at Montana’s before hand, and then watched X-men. I had a great time, and the movie was really good.
The most important news is that tomorrow is MY Birthday. Yes, it is the greatest day of the year, and celebrations will last all month, and even longer than that too. Even Judy is coming out to eat with us, I can’t wait to see you again Judy!
I’m off to bed now to dream about eating lots of Mehican food with friends, Coronas with 9inch, and being one day closer to all the great things that old age may bring, such as a pot belly=)
None that I can think of. I was planning to write a lot about this subject, but there isn’t a lot to discuss. There was no logic behind their plan, and no message that would be gained. They wanted to bomb the CBC! It’s about the only Canadian news channel that shows documentaries and shows that detail the plight of Iraqis, Afganis, and other Islamic nations. Why bomb them? Why bomb Toronto for the matter? It’s one of the most welcoming cities for multiculturalism in the world. Canada didn’t go to war in Iraq, and only went to Afghanistan as part of the UN. Anyways...
What else has been going on this week that has kept me from posting? Well, school work, group meetings, seeing a movie....What? Seeing a movie, me?
Yes, I do go out from time to time and see a movie at the theatres. This time I went with Matt, who I met a BP last weekend. We ate at Montana’s before hand, and then watched X-men. I had a great time, and the movie was really good.
The most important news is that tomorrow is MY Birthday. Yes, it is the greatest day of the year, and celebrations will last all month, and even longer than that too. Even Judy is coming out to eat with us, I can’t wait to see you again Judy!
I’m off to bed now to dream about eating lots of Mehican food with friends, Coronas with 9inch, and being one day closer to all the great things that old age may bring, such as a pot belly=)
Sunday, June 04, 2006
No Smoking!
Work this weekend was great. The bar was smoke free because of the new laws. I think it’s great to finally have everything smoke free, no smoking rooms allowed either.
Last night Nancy worked, and she said that she’ll be coming on Saturday to eat some Mexican food. Sreng and her both mentioned that it would be better to eat earlier. So, instead of 6, we’re going to be there at 5. That way we’ll get an extra hour of time to eat, and that’s something that’s always good to have.
On Saturday I had a big party in my section to serve. When I went the table, the girl there said “Steve!” After a memory search, I recognised her as Steph, who I had in a Communications class last year. She was there with her friend Matt, celebrating them leaving their job at A&P. It was great seeing her, and meeting Matt, who seems nice. We’re keeping in touch.
Tonight at work was fun, Jackie worked which was great. I also got most of my surveys filled too, thank you 9inch, you helped me out.
Oh, and tonight I watched "Middlesex" on the CBC, which was great. I've seen it before, but it's so cool that you can watch it twice.
Judy where are you? Did you disappear? Call or email me!
Last night Nancy worked, and she said that she’ll be coming on Saturday to eat some Mexican food. Sreng and her both mentioned that it would be better to eat earlier. So, instead of 6, we’re going to be there at 5. That way we’ll get an extra hour of time to eat, and that’s something that’s always good to have.
On Saturday I had a big party in my section to serve. When I went the table, the girl there said “Steve!” After a memory search, I recognised her as Steph, who I had in a Communications class last year. She was there with her friend Matt, celebrating them leaving their job at A&P. It was great seeing her, and meeting Matt, who seems nice. We’re keeping in touch.
Tonight at work was fun, Jackie worked which was great. I also got most of my surveys filled too, thank you 9inch, you helped me out.
Oh, and tonight I watched "Middlesex" on the CBC, which was great. I've seen it before, but it's so cool that you can watch it twice.
Judy where are you? Did you disappear? Call or email me!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
still safe
Wow, terrorists planning an attack, right in our backyard. You’ve all heard the news by now, so there’s no point in going over it. The guys who were arrested will be in court today, Brampton court. That’s 10 minutes from my house. Kinda surreal eh?
I guess there’s no reason to freak out. There are always people in a society that will go to deadly means to prove a point, even in our society. The RCMP also released the names of the men. See if you know any of them. It’s scary, but it’s completely possible.
Thank God for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
I guess there’s no reason to freak out. There are always people in a society that will go to deadly means to prove a point, even in our society. The RCMP also released the names of the men. See if you know any of them. It’s scary, but it’s completely possible.
Thank God for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Friday, June 02, 2006
I won an award, a real award!
Survey says.....
Hey guys, I’ve returned from the world of survey creation. I’ve been really busy with school this past week, mostly making and perfecting two surveys for the marketing classes. One of them is on why people don’t play videogames, and the other is about buying LCD TVs. They’re done now, thank God.
I have good news though. Remember how my thesis was nominated for an award? Well, the school called today and said that I won! She said the panel really liked it, and thought it was great. I get my name on a plaque, money, and an invite for a ceremony in the Spring. The only other award I’ve won was at the end of grade 8. Actually, I shared it with someone else, and didn’t even get a plaque or statue.
Did you guys get a chance to read my thesis yet? What did you think?
This week I also watched V for Vendetta. I liked it a lot. It was very much like the book 1984, which I hope all of you have read at some point or another. Besides you Jackie, but at least you liked Animal Farm
Anyways, I’m off to bed now.
Oh, and don’t forget that you’re all invited for my Bday June 10th at Cantina Mexicana in Streetville. Be there at 6 if you can make it. Come with an empty stomach and jokes to tell.
Hey guys, I’ve returned from the world of survey creation. I’ve been really busy with school this past week, mostly making and perfecting two surveys for the marketing classes. One of them is on why people don’t play videogames, and the other is about buying LCD TVs. They’re done now, thank God.
I have good news though. Remember how my thesis was nominated for an award? Well, the school called today and said that I won! She said the panel really liked it, and thought it was great. I get my name on a plaque, money, and an invite for a ceremony in the Spring. The only other award I’ve won was at the end of grade 8. Actually, I shared it with someone else, and didn’t even get a plaque or statue.
Did you guys get a chance to read my thesis yet? What did you think?
This week I also watched V for Vendetta. I liked it a lot. It was very much like the book 1984, which I hope all of you have read at some point or another. Besides you Jackie, but at least you liked Animal Farm
Anyways, I’m off to bed now.
Oh, and don’t forget that you’re all invited for my Bday June 10th at Cantina Mexicana in Streetville. Be there at 6 if you can make it. Come with an empty stomach and jokes to tell.