Monday, May 29, 2006
TTC Shutdown.
As all of you from Toronto will know, the Toronto Transit shut down today because employees walked off the job (or were locked out, depending on which side you believe). I had to take an alternative route to Ryerson today, but it worked out alright. The walk from Union Station was hot and muggy though. I recently told you Ben that Toronto was less polluted than LA. I don’t think that will be true for much longer. Anyone else noticing how much more pollution is prevalent these last 3 years? Wow, imagine 10 years from now, or even just another 3.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
BP Blackout
Work yesterday was crazy!!!
Our dishwasher stopped working, so we eventually ran out of clean cutlery. The kitchen staff had to start washing some in the sinks by hand. Finally, they fixed it, and it was working again. But then, BP went dark, and we lost all our power. Nothing worked, not even the pop machines. It was crazy. Any food in the ovens stopped, and we were crippled. I was training the new guy Phil, and he had a good first day! By some miracle, one of the computers stayed on long enough for most of us to find out bill totals (although bills could not be printed). Thankfully, everything went okay for me. Some servers didn’t get their totals on time (the computer shut off), and had to do it manually. The restaurant was full by the way. Even the movie theatre lost power, it was the whole plaza. Soon the restaurant was empty, and about an hour later the power came back on. It was a great experience, and kinda fun to be working in the dark (thankfully we had a few emergency lights on).
Fun times yesterday!
Today I got down and dirty in the backyard gardens. I think I turned the soil about a thousand times, it was a great workout. We had a big BBQ for dinner, very rewarding.
Tomorrow its school again!
Oh, and don’t forget that my BDAY is Saturday June the 10th, you all have to come with me for dinner at Cantina Mexican!
Our dishwasher stopped working, so we eventually ran out of clean cutlery. The kitchen staff had to start washing some in the sinks by hand. Finally, they fixed it, and it was working again. But then, BP went dark, and we lost all our power. Nothing worked, not even the pop machines. It was crazy. Any food in the ovens stopped, and we were crippled. I was training the new guy Phil, and he had a good first day! By some miracle, one of the computers stayed on long enough for most of us to find out bill totals (although bills could not be printed). Thankfully, everything went okay for me. Some servers didn’t get their totals on time (the computer shut off), and had to do it manually. The restaurant was full by the way. Even the movie theatre lost power, it was the whole plaza. Soon the restaurant was empty, and about an hour later the power came back on. It was a great experience, and kinda fun to be working in the dark (thankfully we had a few emergency lights on).
Fun times yesterday!
Today I got down and dirty in the backyard gardens. I think I turned the soil about a thousand times, it was a great workout. We had a big BBQ for dinner, very rewarding.
Tomorrow its school again!
Oh, and don’t forget that my BDAY is Saturday June the 10th, you all have to come with me for dinner at Cantina Mexican!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Grad Night 2006

At night I was a chaperone for Grad night at Wonderland. Sreng, Veena and I did it for our friend Michelle who organizes the affair.
When we arrived, Michelle was totally stressed out (as per usually with Grad Night). She had locked all the tickets in the safe at school, and had to call the secretary to come and open it up for her. After that, we boarded the buses, and made sure all the kids where on the right buses. This year I didn’t get to do too much because we had another teacher on the bus who took over all the fun roles such as checking the list of names as the kids got on the bus. There were many chaperones this year, even one who toughed me while I was in High school. The bus ride down was very loud. All the kids were screaming in the back, and the bus driver had her intercom thing on, which was also very loud.
When we arrived, things went smoothly, and we all got in the park safely. The first thing we did was go to the chaperone tent and get our Mr.Sub subs. After that we hit up the rides. Tomb Raider (which was great!), Italian Job, and finally, the Mighty Canadian Mindbuster. Yes, this is usually my favourite ride, but this time there was an added level of thrill: total fear. I don’t know if they forgot to oil the track or what, but the cart was screeching like crazy, and at times it felt like we were going to fly off the tracks. It was the roughest ride ever too, it was scary. At the end I was laughing so hard (partial from relief of being alive, partially from fun, and partially from Veena freaking out and wanting off “right now!”) that I nearly threw up! That’s when you know you’re having a great time.=)
After that Veena, Sreng and I ditched the rest of the gang and got a funnel cake.
It was our fourth time chaperoning, and it was great. This year we actually got good weather too!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
n u wr syg wht extly?
This is the direct copy and paste of an email that I recieved from a member in one of my marketing groups:
I agree to wat Seema said, coz I had the same feeling, even tho i made itthere last min before everyone left, but I had to drive all the way frommarkham after work during the traffic hrs to York and wasted time parkingand paying run to the meeting then stayed there for 2 mins n was told idont' have to present..and again drive for hr and a half to get home, Ibrought my part of research thought could ask for furter insights, butthere was no need for that since everything is done. And i think its a goodidea of the spreadsheet availability so that everyone can meet withconvinence.thankyou,see u all twm
I did not edit that in any way. Am I being a prick if I expect to be able to read emails from people in my groups? Thankfully I don't care anymore about peer evaluations, and feel free to speak my mind again with these people.
I agree to wat Seema said, coz I had the same feeling, even tho i made itthere last min before everyone left, but I had to drive all the way frommarkham after work during the traffic hrs to York and wasted time parkingand paying run to the meeting then stayed there for 2 mins n was told idont' have to present..and again drive for hr and a half to get home, Ibrought my part of research thought could ask for furter insights, butthere was no need for that since everything is done. And i think its a goodidea of the spreadsheet availability so that everyone can meet withconvinence.thankyou,see u all twm
I did not edit that in any way. Am I being a prick if I expect to be able to read emails from people in my groups? Thankfully I don't care anymore about peer evaluations, and feel free to speak my mind again with these people.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Stuffing our faces

On Saturday I worked late. After work, Jackie came by and she trained her brain for a little while. I also got her caught up with photo albums. Thanks for coming Jackie, it was fun. We still have to choose a movie for our outing together. It doesn’t have to be something scary. By the way, it’s great having you back at work, I missed our eating habits, Pooncho 4 life!
On Sunday I woke up nice and late, and went to work at 4. It was busier that I had expected. I also got a $35 tip on a bill that was $30. I don’t get it, but I won’t complain! I also served some AmEricans, asking for their iced tea without sugar, and saying that our pop had no fizz. Whatever, ice tea without sugar is gross, I don’t get it. On Saturday I had a cool group of guys from Illinois though. Very fun serving them.
Then, Sunday night, I met up with Veena, Sreng and Daren. We went back to my place and pigged out on chips, wings, and iced cream. We always eat cookie dough, but this time we crossed the line. We actually bought extra pre-made cookie dough, cut it up, and mixed it in with our cookie dough iced cream. It was half iced cream, half cookie dough. I know, the way will come that it will all catch up with me. Well, until then!
On Monday Daren went home, and the rest of us BBQ’s fatty Italian sausages and hamburgers. It was all done on the George Forman grill though, which “knocked out” ALL of the fat from them, making them totally healthy and fat free. Don’t worry Daren you didn’t miss out, these Italian sausages sucked compared to other Italian sausages;) After that we watched Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Great long weekend, all without parents, (who have now returned).
And today I’m off to school!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Pooncho Code
Wow, once again it’s been a while since I last wrote. My excuse? School and lack of imagination. I have stuff to write about now though.
Yesterday Sreng and Veena came by. We were going to go roller-skating, but Michelle had invited us to go see the Davinci Code with her instead. We tried calling to find out when and where, but no answer. We waited til about 10, and still no call, so we just stayed at my house instead. I didn’t want to see the movie, and it’s gotten really bad reviews anyways. But, it would have been nice to see Michelle. Oh well, I hope everything is okay, I'm sure there was some miscommunication somewhere along the line.
Yesterday Sreng and Veena came by. We were going to go roller-skating, but Michelle had invited us to go see the Davinci Code with her instead. We tried calling to find out when and where, but no answer. We waited til about 10, and still no call, so we just stayed at my house instead. I didn’t want to see the movie, and it’s gotten really bad reviews anyways. But, it would have been nice to see Michelle. Oh well, I hope everything is okay, I'm sure there was some miscommunication somewhere along the line.
Anyways, we resorted to plan B, which is the same every time: Go buy pizza and cookie dough ice cream. We did, and stuffed our faces, true Pooncho party style. We even did some Brain Training together, which Sreng got very addicted to. My parents and myself are already totally hooked too. My brain age is 38 years old. It was 30, but then I did my training after a few beers, and it went up a bit. Soon I'll be at 20 years!
This weekend I have the house to myself. All of you are invited over Sunday night til Monday morning. No mass group orgies planned, just clean fun. Some video games and BBQ are on the menu as well. Hope to see you guys there, give me a call.
That’s it!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Simple Connect!

But, to balance things out I did get a C+ in that Retailing Management course. You know, the one that I failed the midterm. The rest of my grades were B+'s, and an A in my thesis course (almost everyone in that class got an A).
I leave you with the rough version of our our Simple Connect DVD insert, featuring me as the old man host (George Summers). Yes, my clothes are inside out, my group thought that it made me look older=)
Focus on Food
Today I went to school at Ryerson, and mediated my first ever focus group! There were 7 people in the group, and I had to find out why they did not play console videogames. Reason came in as “that’s only for guys” “that’s only for kids” “I have no time to play” and “There are too many buttons, and it’s too complex”. Very fun exercise. While I did this, my group members sat behind everyone and made notes on what was discussed. Some good practical experience found doing this. On Wednesday I have my midterm for that class.
After that, I met Daren for dinner. He first took me to a Mexican restaurant, but that ended up being closed. We then walked to a sushi place, where we ordered way too much food, but managed to fit it all in our stomachs. Daren, what was the place called? Yes, even I was at the point where I was full. That is, until we passed an ice cream place on the way to the subway! Yum!
It was raining, but rain is so nice when you’re in the city, and have an umbrella. The more of Toronto that I explore, the more I like it.
Thanks again Daren for meeting up with me.
After that, I met Daren for dinner. He first took me to a Mexican restaurant, but that ended up being closed. We then walked to a sushi place, where we ordered way too much food, but managed to fit it all in our stomachs. Daren, what was the place called? Yes, even I was at the point where I was full. That is, until we passed an ice cream place on the way to the subway! Yum!
It was raining, but rain is so nice when you’re in the city, and have an umbrella. The more of Toronto that I explore, the more I like it.
Thanks again Daren for meeting up with me.
Monday, May 15, 2006
White Horse
Riding the bus to school gives me a lot of time to read and think. I value these times to think, these times that many people like putting on their music players, and zoning out of it all. These times are cool too, but thinking times are even better.
With thinking times, all those little parts of your day, those parts that just zip by you normally, come back to you.
Sometimes, an almost euphoric “stoned” feeling can be created through these thoughts. Like when you wake up from a dream, but continue it by keeping your eyes closed, and imagination running. Sometimes things cannot be planned, or organised the way you think it should be.
Life is strange, gives you everything you want, but not in the way you imagined it. It’s up to us to make the sense of it all, and sort it out the best way we can for our lives.
What have I been smoking? Nothing, actually I passed on it and beer last night. Sometimes getting high from sleepiness, and laughter are all you need. Ride on your own White Horse, and take it as far as it goes.
At the Disco
Where you buy your Winniebago
I wanna ride on a white horse
I want to ride on a white horse
When the light turns into darkness
Will he turn up to explain us?
I wanna ride on a white horse
I want to ride on a white horse
Lend me a whole new world
All night
Feel life
When is there ever sense
To love
This world
In the whirlpool
We'll go deeper
In this world that's
Getting cheaper I wanna ride on a white horse
I want to ride on a white horse
I like dancing
At the disco
I want blisters
You're my leader
I wanna ride on a white horse
I want to ride on a white horse
Oh I love this feeling
Feels like forever
Oh I love this feeling
Feels like real
This was your opportunity to zone out to cool music. None of this made sense to you, but that’s okay, it does to me.
Maybe I am the white horse, wanna ride me?;)
With thinking times, all those little parts of your day, those parts that just zip by you normally, come back to you.
Sometimes, an almost euphoric “stoned” feeling can be created through these thoughts. Like when you wake up from a dream, but continue it by keeping your eyes closed, and imagination running. Sometimes things cannot be planned, or organised the way you think it should be.
Life is strange, gives you everything you want, but not in the way you imagined it. It’s up to us to make the sense of it all, and sort it out the best way we can for our lives.
What have I been smoking? Nothing, actually I passed on it and beer last night. Sometimes getting high from sleepiness, and laughter are all you need. Ride on your own White Horse, and take it as far as it goes.
At the Disco
Where you buy your Winniebago
I wanna ride on a white horse
I want to ride on a white horse
When the light turns into darkness
Will he turn up to explain us?
I wanna ride on a white horse
I want to ride on a white horse
Lend me a whole new world
All night
Feel life
When is there ever sense
To love
This world
In the whirlpool
We'll go deeper
In this world that's
Getting cheaper I wanna ride on a white horse
I want to ride on a white horse
I like dancing
At the disco
I want blisters
You're my leader
I wanna ride on a white horse
I want to ride on a white horse
Oh I love this feeling
Feels like forever
Oh I love this feeling
Feels like real
This was your opportunity to zone out to cool music. None of this made sense to you, but that’s okay, it does to me.
Maybe I am the white horse, wanna ride me?;)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers (Judy)! Being a Mother is hard work, but I’m sure also very rewarding. Hope you took some time to yourselves and relaxed a bit.
All the best!
All the best!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
E3=pure excitement

New Metroid, Mario, Smash bros, Sonic, Star Fox, and even Duck Hunt? Ya, sounds good to me. That doesn’t even include a new Resident Evil, a really cool game called Red Steel, a new Monkey Ball, and a new Wario Ware. Oh ya, and Yoshi’s Island 2. I’d write more, but it’s just too much for my brain to handle right now. If only I had time to play videogames! Some day, some day when I’m finished school, and have a regular job.
And yes, I can be a big nerd sometimes, and I don't care.=)
Saturday, May 06, 2006

At night though, Sreng, Veena and I met Daren downtown. We went to a club called 5ive. It was my first time there, and I thought it was really cool. It looked very “downtown trendy.” The music wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t that bad either. I looked at the website, and they have different themed nights. Check it out guys, you might like some of the music on those nights. The washrooms were really cool too, you washed your hands under a waterfall (a small one). Very trendy. We also met a guy named Derek, who seemed nice. His friends seemed a little crazy though, but that’s okay. After the club we were hungry so we got pizza at Pizza Pizza. It was raining out by this point, but we all had some Fab to cover our heads with. After pizza we dropped Daren off at home, and then went home. I got in at 4, meaning that we had a great time. Sreng felt like throwing up, nasty hot dog vender food can do that to you though.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Some have asked me why I didn’t like that philosophy course I took this year. A few days ago I emailed one of the profs from that course about my final essay grade. Here's how the emails went (mine are in blue, these are the actual emails):
Hello, this is Stephen Peca from your phil and ethical course last term. I was wondering if I could find out my mark on my final essay, if they have been marked.
Thank you,-- Steve
Marks have been posted in the SASIT office; we're not allowed to give themby e-mail or phone.
Okay, so I went to the office and found the grades posted. The only thing was that I couldn't tell if they were just the essay grade, or my final grade for the class. While there, I met another student, and they didn't know either. So, I emailed my prof again to ask:
Are the grades that are posted for final marks or final essay marks? --
Didn't you write me already about this?
(Yes, that's all her reply said.)
No. My original email was:
Hello, this is Stephen Peca from your phil and ethical course last term. I was wondering if I could find out my mark on my final essay, if they have been marked.
Thank you,
So, I guess the marks that are posted are for the essay grade then right?
-- Steve
I think my reply was that SASIT is going to post them. I don't actually workat SASIT; I work in ADMS in the Atkinson building, so I have no idea whenSASIT will post them, but you can contact them and find out!
(Wow, okay? Is she just not reading my emails or what?)
Wow, miscommunication!:)
I didn't ask you when they would be posted. Grades are posted, and I have seen them. My question was:
Are the grades that are posted for final marks or final essay marks?
Do I need to say more??? I can't wait for her next reply=P
Hello, this is Stephen Peca from your phil and ethical course last term. I was wondering if I could find out my mark on my final essay, if they have been marked.
Thank you,-- Steve
Marks have been posted in the SASIT office; we're not allowed to give themby e-mail or phone.
Okay, so I went to the office and found the grades posted. The only thing was that I couldn't tell if they were just the essay grade, or my final grade for the class. While there, I met another student, and they didn't know either. So, I emailed my prof again to ask:
Are the grades that are posted for final marks or final essay marks? --
Didn't you write me already about this?
(Yes, that's all her reply said.)
No. My original email was:
Hello, this is Stephen Peca from your phil and ethical course last term. I was wondering if I could find out my mark on my final essay, if they have been marked.
Thank you,
So, I guess the marks that are posted are for the essay grade then right?
-- Steve
I think my reply was that SASIT is going to post them. I don't actually workat SASIT; I work in ADMS in the Atkinson building, so I have no idea whenSASIT will post them, but you can contact them and find out!
(Wow, okay? Is she just not reading my emails or what?)
Wow, miscommunication!:)
I didn't ask you when they would be posted. Grades are posted, and I have seen them. My question was:
Are the grades that are posted for final marks or final essay marks?
Do I need to say more??? I can't wait for her next reply=P
Thursday, May 04, 2006
First week of Summer school

On Monday was Veena’s Birthday. The two of us met Daren at the Eaton’s Centre, then we walked to his house for some wine (Fat Bastard). After that we went to met Sreng who was near the restaurant, where we also met Damian and Amanda (it was great meeting you, you’re fun). We went to a restaurant called Hot House. It was good, pretty typical though. I had a burger and fries. They also had Creemore, which made me very happy. Vicky also joined us, it was good seeing her again. After we stuffed ourselves, we went for gelato. The best flavour was the one Vicky got, avocado. I know it sounds strange, but it was good!
Today I’m off to York again. I love summer school!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Games: New Mario

Nintendo will be releasing an all new side scrolling Mario game this year on the Nintendo DS. It will use 3D characters, and have all new moves and items to use. New Super Mario Bros.
I just had to share my excitement with you all=)
Monday, May 01, 2006
Happy Birthday Veena!
Today is my first day back at school. I have one course at Ryerson this term, so that is exciting. Today is also Veena’s Bday, so Happy Birthday to her! We’re going out for dinner tonight, Pooncho party time!=)