This is something that we should all be keeping an eye on. No one knows what might become of it, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Right now, everyone is waiting to see if the virus mutates, and gains the ability to spread from human to human. If this happens, it’s very likely that our “well overdue” pandemic will hit and millions will die. These things spread fast nowadays, so a few weeks notice will be what we have until it hits Toronto (remember how fast S.A.R.S. spread?).
Nothing to panic about right now, but cautionary planning is always good. Check out the site above to learn more about it.
(This post is dedicated to Daren who has a cold. Or is it the Bird Flu, dunn dunn dunn.......;)
Wow, thanks for the post Steve! Now I'm never leaving my house!;)
I know, I'm already getting a plan ready just in case...
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