I worked during lunch, and was supposed to work at night too, until 11. But, I was speaking to Judy and she said “oh, a few of us are going to a Mexican food place tonight. They have the best Mexican food there. Too bad you’re working”.
I heard “food”, and that was it...my night shift was gone in only a few minutes, and I was signed up for good food and good company.
So, we arrived at 8 (Judy had made reservations). The place is called Cantina Mexicana, and is located in Streetsville. Judy, Shirley, Mike, Nicole, Anthony and I all went. Rosie also showed up later, around 10.
The food was great! I ate and ate and ate. I also got the largest Margarita I have ever seen in my whole life. Shirley got one too.
The company is was makes an outing great, and it surely was here. All you guys are lots of fun to be around. We laughed so loud that I think we were disturbing those around us.
Great time. We also took a whole roll of pictures, that I can't wait to see.
Thanks again Judy!
Steve you totally pigged out there! But so did I! hahaha! We need to do the dinner thing on a regular basis because when I am on MAT leave I need some kind of excuse to get out and see you guys! We got some really funny pictures too. I can't wait to see them!
For sure we will!
Pooncho power 4 life!
Steve....your one day behind! I'm disappointed. But I love it!!!!!!! You must tell all about your newest invention!!!!!
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