Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Peacefully passed...

Nonno John passed away this morning. He went peacefully, and had loved ones around him. His son from Italy came to visit him last night, the last child he had to see before he left for Heaven. Tomorrow and Thursday are the wakes, with the funeral on Friday.
Thanks again for all your support.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Starting to hit.

Well, today was rough.
Nonno John is totally mentally aware, but without a body that works. He tries to speak, but cannot be understood. His mouth is dry, and we cannot give him water. He can barely lift his hand, but tries to. He wants to spit out the phlegm in his thought, but can’t. The only thing the nurse could do was gave him an injection that will help dry up bodily secretions. He’s already so dry that he needs fake tear drops, and fake saliva sprayed on his dry tongue. They also turn him now and then to prevent him from getting more bedsores. I can’t even imagine what’s going through his head.....I don’t want to either.
On the bright side, he has at least 10 people around him all the time. Family has flown in from Arizona and Florida just to see him. There’s no much we can do but be there for him, and make him feel comfortable. God, I pray this does not drag on for him. The doctor told me today that he’s seen people live for weeks without an IV. Everyone is in okay spirits too, we laughed at times, and cried at others. For a few minutes things would almost seem normal, until reality hit.
It really started to hit me hard today, thinking about how different things will be once he’s gone. I’ve seen him at least every week, since the day I was born.
My mom is joining my Dad tomorrow, and they will be staying there until he passes. I feel guilty for not being there as well. If I went, I would have some serious school problems, but is that a good enough reason? Everytime I leave him, I tell myself to say goodbye for the last time. Now, sitting at home, I feel like I have to say it again.
I’m torn...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Last days

Today I spent my day doing some homework; I’ve fallen so behind. We got a call just now from my cousin Denise saying that the doctors have taken the IV out of Nonno John because his body wasn’t taking it in anymore. They say it hasn’t been going in for a day or so now. My parents went to see him today, and said that he doesn’t speak anymore, but still opens his eyes and squeezes your hand.
Tomorrow I’m going down again with my dad because they said he’s got a day or two left in him. The sooner his body give out the better now. We don’t want him to suffer.

Friday, February 24, 2006


Hi all. Thank you again Judy and Daren for your support. Also, thanks to the rest of you who have emailed or phoned.
We just got in now. My family and I were at the hospital today and yesterday. Nonno John looks really skinny, and tired. The doctor says that he has a few days or weeks to live. He also told us that it’s up to the family if we want to keep him on the IV. Without it, he will slip away sooner. As of now, he is still able to communicate, and knows what’s going on around him. He’s very hard to understand when he speaks though. He starting to have some pain in his legs, so they gave him some mild pain killers (not morphine). I hope he doesn’t get too much pain though. I also think that he’s stating to understand that his time is almost up. He told us to make sure to buy him new shoes.
Nonna Connie is holding up well, but is sometimes too optimistic. We had to keep reminding her that he was not going to be coming back home, or even eating again. They’ve been married for almost 65 years now, so it will be very hard for her. I made my famous pasta with eggs and cheese for everyone last night at Aunt Laura’s house. I made sure that Nonna Connie ate a lot too, I don’t want her to get too weak. She spends her whole day at the hospital.
On a positive note though, Nonno John’s room is always packed with family. There are only supposed to be 2 guests per room, but his had up to 10 today. We were overflowing into the hallway.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Hi guys. Just thought I’d update you on how Nonno John is doing.
The doctors have confirmed that his condition is fatal, and he has a few days or weeks to live. It’s hard to tell, the cancer has spread throughout his body.
The good news is that he is in no pain, and is in good spirits. All his brothers and family are visiting him in the hospital. Nonna Connie told them not to tell him the truth, to keep him from worrying. She knows him best, so it’s the right choice. My dad said that he probably knows the truth because he is dreaming of his parents, and another women he knew who died. He’s also told Nonna Connie to get his “blue suit” ready to bury him in, and who to give his wedding ring to.
I’m going to visit tomorrow and stay over until Friday. I want to get to see him while he is in good mental health. Nonna Connie is doing well so far, but my dad and his siblings are taking it hard. I tried to cheer him up tonight, but it’s hard. It’s his dad, and I have no idea how hard this is for him.
Thank you too Sreng for your support, and ear to talk to. I’m sure I will need the support, especially in the coming days.

Bad News

Hi guys.
Thanks for the support Judy and Daren.
The news from the doctors at the hospital is bad though. They discovered a blockage in his intestines, and that he has pancreatic cancer. His family doctor has been suspicious that something was wrong for a while with his digestive track. My family didn’t want to have him tested, in case they “found something,” since there’s not much they can do for him at this age. Well, “something” is there after all.
I plan on visiting him on Sunday, so hopefully he makes it until then. I spoke to his wife, my Nonna Connie, last night and told her not to worry. I hope it doesn’t hit her too hard, she’s strong though.
Thanks again.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hope for the best.

Today I spent most of my time working on my essay, thesis, and at the gym. Tonight I got some bad news about my grandfather (Nonno John) though. He’s been really sick the last few weeks, and the doctor said he had a stomach infection and flu. He’s been really weak, and can’t even stand on his own. Tonight he had to be hospitalised because he was too weak and delirious (as my Uncle said). I now found out that he was saying that his mother visited him. His mother obviously died years ago.
Before my other grandfather passed over, he said the same things, that his sister and mother came to visit him. He also said that he stated to remember a whole lot of memories from his childhood.
I hope my Nonno doesn’t pass over yet, but it’s good to know he has support in this time of need, one this level and the next.
To all those who pray, please keep him in you thoughts.
Thank you.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Music: Metric

This band is awesome. Totally awesome.
If you haven’t ever hear of them, then shame on you! You will probably recognize their singles Combat Baby or Monster Hospital. That last song gets stuck in my head and then I can’t stop singing it!=)
Their videos are also great. Please watch the one for Monster Hospital, and their upcoming video for Poster of a Girl. Actually, I’ll make it really easy for you, and link to their media site where you can watch both videos. Aren’t I just the best to you all?=)


Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bottled Water

I go out of my way NOT to drink bottled water.
Yes, you read that correct, I’d chose tap over bottled any day. Not because tap taste better, or because it is safer, but on principle alone. Look, we pay a ton of taxes to clean this water for safe drinking. Then we pay the water company for the water. Now, why the hell would I pay AGAIN to buy unregulated privatized drinking water from Pepsi or Coke? It amazes me that some people pay 2.75 or whatever it is for a bottle of water from a Pepsi machine. Do you realized that the company is laughing all the way to the bank? It probably cost them next to nothing to fill those bottles, but then they sell it as if it is shipped from the glaciers of Swiss alps.
Don’t even try to count how many plastic bottles end up in landfills and recycling facilities (which we AGAIN have to pay for!!!)
Give me a break. Read the above article for move info on bottled water.
“Don’t be a sap, drink tap”.
(how’s that for a marketing slogan?)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Work, Ice cream and nice people.

Yesterday I worked all day, lunch and night. It was a good day, not too slow, not too busy. Nancy gave me fruit and yogurt, and told me I could also eat her orange. Her orange turned out to be a grapefruit though, silly 9inch=)

After our night shifts, Mike, Nicole and I went over to Demitre’s. Mike has wanted a milkshake from there for a long long time. He finally got it last night, and we also shared cake and ice cream. The biggest surprise of our visit was that our server was actually good! Wow.

Mike told us about some of his travel adventures, some of which I’d love to experience. Maybe when I’m done school.

Oh, and I have a “nice person” story to tell. Last Saturday, I served two couples, and everything went well. When they left though, they didn’t leave me a tip. I was surprised, because they were really nice, and we were talking and that. Anyways, one women came in the next day and brought in a tip for me. It was a mix up, and they forgot to leave the tip. Last night Warren gave me the $7, and told me the story. How nice and respectful was that?!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Music: Agoria

I'm not even sure what to say about Agoria. I don't know much about them. I know that their sound is electronic and kinda new wavish, but I don't know much else. They're awesome though. The song "think different" is really simple, but really my style. Check out their site, it's cool. Pick up one of their cd's if you find one, I really want to.
...think different

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Funny Video?

Okay, I don’t usually get sent forwards through email (because I hate them), but I received this one. Please click the title (link) before reading the rest of this blog. You have to see it first.
Okay, finished watching it?
So, here was my honest reaction to the first viewing: I laughed out loud. Then I watched it again, and laughed again. But, not at the end. Something about the little boy’s eyes filled with tears... Then I watched it again, and saw the depth of this little video that was just meant as a quick laugh. I went to school and the video stuck in my mind. When I got home I watched it again. Here’s why I now think it is more sad than funny:

-First off, the most obvious reason: The boy gets really scared from it. He tries beating the image but then runs away (he’s got guts for trying to fight it though!)
-The man (father?) set this up on purpose to film it. How does that boy feel about that now?
-The little boy is just too cute. He was really into the game and was asking the man questions (watch it again, and turn up the volume at the beginning). It seems to me like a “special moment” between him and the guardian. The boy had no idea he was being tricked.
-At the end, the boy runs to the man, fully trusting him to help. He’s been tricked, will trust be hurt?
-The boys face in the end ruins any reason to laugh for me. He is so cute, and I feel so sad for him.
-Did the man taking the video find it so funny that he wanted to share it with the rest of the world online? I wonder if the boy knows this.

This doesn’t mean that I find this video totally not funny. There’s something about human nature that likes seeing others be afraid. Maybe these types of events will help the boy later in life. It’s never good to blindly trust someone, and this could be one way of him learning that.
I think we are all guilty of laughing at things that we don’t really think about it the full context. Sometimes it’s good to think deeper.
What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Kaitlyn is born!

Congratulations Judy and Freddy!
Judy had her baby on Sunday, in a labour that lasted 31 hours!
I can't believe that the wait is over, and can't wait to see her. She is soooo cute! 31 hours of labour, good god! Wow, that is really long Judy, but totally worth it.

Welcome to the world Kaitlyn Evangeline Gillis!

Filming (part 2)

Monday night:
I didn’t get a chance to post again on Monday night. We finished filming, and then ate dinner. Patryjca made some killer tacos and a hot and spicy shot: raspberry syrup, vodka and a slash of Tabasco. Yum. For dessert, we had a very generous serving of vodka with some orange juice. We completed our screen caps after that (although, at a slightly slower pace=). Shayan and I watched Capote after that, but didn’t make it to the end of the film. It was too late at night to watch a movie with such a slow pace.

The next morning we rose bright and early (...10am...) showered, and got ready. I made us some quick scrambled eggs, which we ate quickly, and ran out the door so that Patrycja’s husband, Chris, could drive us to Canadian Tire. We had to buy a new light bulb because we broke one the day before. After that it was off to school to meet Shelley for some more filming.

Shooting the host scenes:
This time it wouldn’t be Shelley under the bight lights, it would be me. Our professor, who had promised us to be our host in the video didn’t show. So, I had to fill in the role of George Summers. And what a George Summers I was! The group decided that I would look better with my sweater turned inside-out. That looked so good that they also got me to turn my shirt underneath inside-out as well. Also, I couldn’t ware my glasses, as they cast shadows, and I hadn’t brought my contacts. So, our great director, Shayan, had me memorize the lines, and look blindly into the 4 hot lights shining at me. We’re talking close to 600 watts in total, it was hot. Shelly had to hold my legs down underneath the table because my chair kept leaning back when I would sit with good posture. Patrycja helped with moral support saying: “Smile more! Look happier! Imagine that you’re getting a blow job.” It all worked, and I think we pulled off a great shoot.

Valentine’s outing:
After that I took one bus and one subway to Church. It took an hour, and I was feeling sleepy and nauseous. I think it was the combination of: sunstroke from the hot lights, nasty fried panzerotto that I had for lunch, and a chair that rocked and rolled. Thankfully it faded by the time I arrived at Zelda’s and met Daren and his friend Mathew. I order my mudslide, and it was time to relax. Veena arrived shortly after, map in hand. Then came Vickey and her brother. We ordered them both a mudslide, which turned Vicky’s cheeks pink. It was great fun. Sreng joined us after his class at Ryerson ended and we ordered food. I ate a chicken sandwich (not the Irma burger, which I couldn’t believe was off the menu!). After that I had a nice strong martini to cap the night off. Everyone left one by one. Veena, Daren and I were the last to leave, and we walked Daren to his place. After that Veena and I made our way home.
It was a great day and night. Happy Valentines to everyone too, hope it was great for you!

PS- Judy, is the baby out yet?? I can’t wait!

Monday, February 13, 2006


Right now I'm at Patrycja's house with Shayan and Shelley. We're filming our "Simple Connect" DVD that teaches seniors how to use basic computer functions and some Internet details. It's hot under all these bright lights on! Patrycja made us yummy food , and some coffee-Bayleys too(which is much better than coffee-cola). We're going to film the screen caps and some of the voice overs now too. The film is looking pretty good, I'm impressed with the quality of the picture. I'll make sure to make all of you try our DVD out when it is finished.
Back to work.

[edit: now with pics! Click on them to see full size.]

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sex Clubs

I remember hearing about this a little while ago, but never really looked into it. But, it turns out that Sex Clubs are now legal in Canada, right from the Supreme Court of Canada.
What are sex clubs? Well, first off, they are NOT brothels with prostitutes. Those types of places are illegal.
Sex clubs are also known as "Swingers clubs". They are places that you can go to with your partner, or by yourself, and meet others to have sex with. Or, you could just watch. The other people there are people just like you, looking for something ‘extra’ in their sex lives.
Now you can see why they are obviously not against the law, nothing illegal happens there. Is it moral? That’s totally subjective.
What do you guys think of this? I’m cool with it, this stuff is part of the human race, and shouldn’t be thrown into the shadows like a dirty secret. As long as people are not being hurt, and things are safe, it's all those people's personal business.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Music: Frou Frou

Keeping with the love music theme, I have chosen the group Frou Frou. They also have a trip hop/pop type of sound. Here’s a lyric sample from their song “Breathe In”:

What part of no don't you understand?
I've told you before,

To just get off my case, this isn't happening, stop this now
And i-where was i?
i have to be somewhere

Now where did i put it?
And i'm high enough from all the waiting
To ride a wave on your inhaling
And i'm high enough from all the waiting
To ride a wave on your inhaling
Can't help but love you, no...
Is this it - is this it - is this it?”

You really have to hear the music to these lyrics. It really is great. I think I love their song “Shh” the most though. I’m not really sure why, or what it’s about though, but it conveys something powerful to me. Click this link to hear the song, and here's some of the lyrics:

Sunbeam stop tugging me.
Pull that door shut quietly
Darling what are you doing?
We don't have time for this

That’s some of “shh”.
Hey, how about I make you all some copies of cd’s with love song for Valentine’s? Sound good?
Hope to see you downtown on Tuesday night!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Common Values?

"What does the United States, one of the most powerful countries on earth, have in common with Cameroon, China, Cuba, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Senegal, Sudan and Zimbabwe?"

Click the link above to read the answer to that question......

Time to rest a bit

Wow, what a crazy week this has been. Let me describe it to you:
Tuesday night, the Summer schedule went online for York. I nearly shit my pants when the two courses I need to take are being offered on the same night at the same time. I didn’t sleep too good that night.
The next day, I began my quest to fix the problem. There’s no way I’m going back for the Winter term, I must graduate at the end of Summer. So, many phone calls, visits, and meetings later, I think I have found a possible solution: take the course at Ryerson. I have given my request in at York to do so, now it’s up to them to see if Ryerson’s course can be used for my degree. If that passes, I still have to get into the course. But, it’s looking good.
Then today, in the student centre at school (more like a cafe), there was a sign with “free psychic reading, three free questions”. I just had to find out if he knew when I would graduate. So, I lined up, and came up with three questions. Here’s how he answered them:

1-when do you see me graduating?
“I can’t see that far into the future. I see you being around school always, always taking more courses, and doing academic stuff”
2- Where do you see me living in a year’s time?
“I see you still living in the Toronto area”
3- What do you see in terms of my love life in the next year?
“I see two sweeties for you. One you already know, and one that you haven’t met yet.”

Ya, so while it was amusing, I can’t say he was very precise and accurate. Good thing it was free, although I’m not sure why he was there doing this for free. He should have warned me for what I had coming that night....
I got back the grade from that horrible exam. Good god, the worst grade ever. I got a 51%! No, actually my true grade was a 40.5%, but he added 10% to everyone’s mark (bell curve!!). It was even worse than I had expected, but it’s not disastrous. It’s only worth 25%, and just shows that I have to learn how to study better for Marketing. The class average was 64% after the bell curve.
Thank God my school week has ended! Next week is reading week for me. I won’t be resting though, I will be filming with my Communications group at Patrycja’s house. It should be fun though, they’re a great group of people. And I’ve been promised vodka and Polish food. That makes this Ukrainian boy very happy=)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bush's story

Hi all. School is crazy right now, and I’m having huge problems with summer enrollment. I hope to have that all fixed soon though.
But, I just had to post about this story on cbc.ca about George Bush. It’s just too funny. Please read it, and tell me if Bush isn’t getting desperate. Here’s one part of the article to entice you to read it:

"Bush portrayed the United States and its allies as winning what he calls the war on terror. He spoke of a succession of al-Qaeda figures killed or captured, and said a number of plots were thwarted. The Los Angeles plot was aimed at the tallest building on the West Coast, he said. He called it the Liberty Tower, but apparently meant the Library Tower, a 73-storey office building facing the Los Angeles Central Library. The building was renamed US Bank Tower in 2003. "

Anyone could be President. Anyone stupid that is.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Music: Saint Etienne

With Valentine’s only a week away, I thought I’d do something special for my blog: play a love song on it. It’s kinda cheesy, but it’s so sweet that you end up loving it. And yes, this is the song that I got the title for my blog from. I love the idea of someone hugging someone else’s soul. It’s such a nice description, who doesn’t want their soul hugged by someone else? Big thanks to Jason for introducing me to Saint Etienne, they always remind me of you. If you like their sound, listen to their song “we’re in the city,” I LOVE that tune too.
Big thanks to Daren for hosting this song, thank you!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Music: Mandalay

Okay, the songs by Mandalay give me chills. The singer's voice is haunting, and truly emotion-felt. First off, listed to “beautiful”. It is amazing, here is some of the lyrics:

You can depend on certainty
Count it out and weigh it up again
You can be sure you've reached the end
And still you don't feel
You know about anything
Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
Do you know you're beautiful
You are, yes you are
You can ignore what you've become
Take it out and see it die again
You can be here
For who's a friend
And still you don't feel

Someone once told me, passionately, that I was beautiful. It was one of the most fantastic things that someone had said to me. This song encompassed that feeling for me, and part of the whole experience. Please ask me for a sample copy of this song, or for the cd “kismet*encounter.” Another great song by them is “deep love”. Actually, that one is amazing too, here are some of the lyrics to it:

I can trust you now
As I feel at ease
How lost in you
Should I be
I can see you clear
As the day begins
How lost in this
Should we be
And say you'll bring
To me deep love
You can't say that it's too soon to say how you feel
Share and say you'll bring
To me deep love
Just don't say that it's too soon to say how you feel

Enjoy, and email me if you want to hear a sample of these songs. Really, you will thank me.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

"Coffee Cola"

Today at work it was kinda slow. Actually, it was dead. So, I started cleaning anything I could find. Once a few more people started their shifts, I started to make drinks. The first few were not that popular: hot orange pop, hot cola, and lemon rootbeer. I spoke of making “ceaser milk”, but no one thought drinking creaser dressing would taste great. But, then came “coffee cola,” a perfect mixture of coffee and cola. Most did not like it when first tasting it (a few almost threw up). But, I think it was just the initial shock..
I made everyone try it. Shirley drank a glass and a half (although I had to keep reminding her to do so). Sandra tried it to, but never took a liking to it. Jen drank hers and said it tasted good, like a rootbeer float. She then lost her cup, and I had to make her a new one. I think she lost the second cup too. I made Ashleigh some also, but I don’t think she was too thirsty.
The drink became so popular that I rolled out 2 new versions: “cold coffee cola” and “coffee cola float”. Yum, sounds great, eh?! So, to all the servers reading this, make sure to upsell your customer’s regular cola to a coffee cola! I’m sure they’ll be surprised=)
Oh, and I did a search online, and found a company that already sells my invention: Al's Coffee Cola Al's Beverage Company
It was rated 4 and a half stars out of 5!
Here's what the reviewer said:

"A truly amazing beverage! By far the finest beverage that has ever come from a can. Al's Beverage Company has produced a great tasting combination of coffee and cola. Nothing bad can be said about this beverage. It has a rich and creamy taste that we just can't get enough of. Al's Coffee Cola is a truly superior beverage. We recommend it to everyone."

Wow, and I just made it as a joke=P

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Cantina Mexicana

Wow, yesterday was fun times.
I worked during lunch, and was supposed to work at night too, until 11. But, I was speaking to Judy and she said “oh, a few of us are going to a Mexican food place tonight. They have the best Mexican food there. Too bad you’re working”.
I heard “food”, and that was it...my night shift was gone in only a few minutes, and I was signed up for good food and good company.
So, we arrived at 8 (Judy had made reservations). The place is called Cantina Mexicana, and is located in Streetsville. Judy, Shirley, Mike, Nicole, Anthony and I all went. Rosie also showed up later, around 10.
The food was great! I ate and ate and ate. I also got the largest Margarita I have ever seen in my whole life. Shirley got one too.
The company is was makes an outing great, and it surely was here. All you guys are lots of fun to be around. We laughed so loud that I think we were disturbing those around us.
Great time. We also took a whole roll of pictures, that I can't wait to see.
Thanks again Judy!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Music: M.I.A.

MIA is a very cool artist with a new sound, and politically charged lyrics. She’s all that, and she makes some very fun and dance friendly music (although it could not be called ‘dance’ at all!). You might have heard her single “Bucky Done Gun,” which is great. But, her song “10 dollar” is one that my friends and I always sing together, and have even created a hand clap for (I know, we’re crazy). Here’s the lyrics to this song:

Download this song, buy the album, or ask me to burn you a sampler cd with this song on it. Head over to her website to hear what her music sounds like. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hard Exam

I just wrote my midterm for Retailing Marketing, and totally bombed.
Yes. It was so stupidly unfair. There were 40 multiple choice, which were all pretty much fair. But then, there were “short answers” questions. They weren’t so much short answer as they were “list the theories of whatever” or “the list of things that we made brief reference to, and that you never thought of memorizing”. The devastating part is that they were all worth between 5-10 marks each. The multiple choice was less than half of the totally exam! I nearly died. I didn’t memorize every possible list of things, so I didn’t know most of these. And the lists that I did memorize were not mentioned.
At first I thought it was just me, and that I totally studied badly. But then the professor asked the class, worriedly “are you finding this hard?” The whole class erupted with “yes!” and a flurry of questions followed. He extended our time, and then extended it again.
Now, all I can do is hope for a miracle. There’s something that every student dreams of happening to them: “Bell curve”. I’ve never had it happen in my class, but I pray it does here. If everyone fails, then he will raise everyone’s mark. Please God, I’ve been a good boy this year, a really good boy!=)
The day wasn’t a totally bomb though. I got to have lunch with Vicky. We got rice with teriyaki chicken at a place in the mall at school. It was really good. I hadn’t seen her since before Christmas, when she came over to make chocolates. It was nice seeing you Vicky, and we will all get to see you again on the 14th. She’s in for our Valentine's get together as well. Don’t forget that you all have to make plans to come. I want to see you all there! (opps, I almost forget. Not you Michelle, I won’t make that mistake twice).
I also got to see Patrycja today, who was still totally sick. You were funny Patrycja, you didn’t make much sense when you spoke, and everything seemed to be on delay. At least you’re smoking less now=)


Here's a funny clip of when Justin Timberlake was on SNL. Click the title to watch it.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Well this week has been about school school school so far. I have done so many things, and have so much more to do. All in good time though. I love being busy with school, it’s so motivating. I’m a natural work-a-holic, so I’d rather be super busy than not.
As with every year, February brings with it Valentine’s day. A day to eigher go out with your boy/girl friend, or sulk and watch as everyone else does this. Well, this year there will be no sulking!
This Valentine’s day will be eventful for all. Why?
Well, you’re all invited down to Church street in TO! We plan on starting the night off at Zelda’s for some of the best food and drinks around, and then make our way around to wherever seems fun from there. Ladies, you don’t have to worry about men hollering at you, or trying to get with ya. No dirty old men will be after you eigher (they'll all be around me=P)That, plus drinks, food, me, friends, and Valentine’s cheer. What more would you want?
So bring yourself and all your friends, everyone is invited (except you Michelle, if you are reading this. You are totally not invited, and that's no joke=)
Everyone else, mark your calendars!

Tuesday night, Feb 14th!
Downtown TO!

Let me know, I will give you directions.