Also, you shouldn't choose based on one specific promise that they make, because they don’t have to keep any of them if they are elected.
Oh, and a big thing: Remember that you don’t vote for the party leader, just the candidate in your area. And, that person may have views that stray from the party line. So, learn who is running in your area, and find out if they share your values. It’s tricky, but it’s not that hard to become informed on all this. Keep it simple, and ask questions.
Please, please, please, if you have any questions, ask me them! Post a comment on this message, and I will answer it to the best that I can. I follow politics and have studied them in school. I’m no expert, but I can help out. So ask away, no question is stupid, ask anything.
For example: which party gave us the GST and why? or, what is this whole sponsorship scandal about?
Have fun, and here’s the main parties’ website for you to look through:
1 comment:
I like the Green party's paltform which includes: reduce post seconadry tuitions, equality and respect for women especially with salaries. subsidize akternative haetuing sytems like solar, geothermal, wood stove.
On the other hand the Liberal Party is great too and they are going to help post seconadry students pay for their tuition fees. They fought for the Civil marriage act that was effective as of July 2005.
Read the Liberal Party Platform, vote wisely, thhink of your future.
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