At the end of the year, it’s a good time to look back on the past year and see how it went. For me, it was a very interesting year.
It began off badly. The Tsunami really put life in perspective, and made me feel really sad for a while. There was no one to blame, no crazed president, no war, no terrorists. It was just a blameless act of nature that killed so many people.
Even at a personal level, the year began badly. I discovered that my parents would never accept me as I am, and would rather continue believing I am as they want me to be. I granted this wish for them, but it was the nail in the coffin of our relationship. It was never great, but at least I used to think that it could be good one day. I also despise lying, especially to people I love.
Thankfully, the rest of the year was totally different. So much so, that I think it tops all years previous. This past year I worked harder than I ever have at school, while still working part time, and seeing friends and family regularly. It was a great feeling, and I even got an A in Marketing, and hopefully another in Developmental Psych. During the year I also met many new people, and had some great conversations with them. They enlightened me, and hopefully I was able to do the same.
Also, I began the year with an almost obsession with news, politics, culture jamming, and a desire to live a life in totally opposition to commercialism. Thankfully, over the year I have found a balance again. It was a fun ride in which I learned a lot about the world and myself, but it’s nice to like society again;). A big thank you to you all for bearing with me through it =).
The year was topped off with an awesome trip to Vegas where so many experiences were had. Overall, this year I really learned what my life motto means:
The struggles always made you stronger, and nothing perfect lasts. But that’s okay, because the pursuit of perfection only leads to the discovery of flaws anyways, which are also okay to have.
(If that made sense to you, then you truly have been around me too long!)
So, what’s in store for the new year? Who knows, life throws so many curve balls, eh? But, I think 2006 has these in store for me:
-I will graduate from University.
-I will continue studying to complete my Marketing certificate, or get another degree.
-I will probably keep working at BP part time.
And, that’s all the certainties that I can come up with. That’s it for me, now it’s time to start drinking!
Happy 2006 to you all!
I wish everyone a Happy new Year Too!!! Life is not a bed of roses. There are thorns that could prick us and make our hearts bleed.
Things change Steve, you never know your parents will have to learn to aceept.
Thank you for our best friend Sreng for joining us to celebrate the New Year.
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