Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Brokeback Mountain

My friends and I saw this movie last night. I didn’t know much about it, but Sreng had told me about it before. I’m glad that he got us to see it, as it was great.
It was a story about forbidden love. These two cowboys meet while working together, and fall in love. Only problem is that they live in the south USA, and it’s the sixties. I won’t tell anymore of the story, just that you should all see it. The theatre was filled, and everyone seemed to like it. It’s the first romantic drama I have seen since........well, a very long time! It was a refreshing break from the ordinary as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also watched this film and loved it. I think both Heath and Jake are great performers. It was moving and I felt really sad that they cannot be together. It is because of homophobic people who won't allow a love between two men to blossom and be free.

I wanted the love that they shared to happen to me too. You cannot really control the desire to love someone.

With my experience I've loved a person that could never love me the same way and it was hard to accept, but with the help of friends and time ,I moved on.

Some individuals are lucky to have found their perfect other, I'm not sure there is one for me.

But I know that I will learn to love this person and they will return the love back. It's such a belssing to fall in love and have the person feel the same way too.

So back to this film I hope that it will get an Academy award for one of the Best Films of 2005.

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