Thursday, November 03, 2005


I had my developmental psych class today, and the prof had us writing like mad. It was crazy! Then, after class I continued to re-write my notes from last week (because they were so messy), and what did I discover? Wow, we just rewrote half of last week’s notes again in today’s lecture. So that was a bit annoying.What else annoys me?
Here’s my list:

-People who play their Mp3 players so loud that everyone around them has to hear the music.
-people who make noises in the library (talking, laughing, clicking pens, shuffling papers, etc)
-cell phones going off, anywhere that had been quite. I think all phones come with a vibration options, USE IT!-people who stop walking when getting on an escalator. MOVE IT lazy ass, your holding up the line!
-people who walk slow in a busy play.
-a group of people who block off a whole hallway, and walk slow.
-The design of the computer lab at school (too complex to describe this one).
-people talking on cell phones, on the bus, in study areas. Actually, anywhere! Who the hell wants to know about your problems!
-people using MSN messenger at the computer labs at school, while I wait to type my millions of research studies for my thesis. You’re at school loser!
-the same as above, but when they are playing games. I don’t even have to be waiting for a computer, it’s just stupid to be doing at school period.
-customers at work who ignore you. They could be on the phone, talking to someone else, or just ignoring you period. “Hello? Okay, I’ll give you some time.”
-the buss being late, or leaving early.
-this one brown girl at my gym, who I can’t stand. I also can’t stand her boyfriend or their friends. They are the stupidest people in the world. What does her workout schedule look like? Here it is:

Abs: lye on my stomach, put my head up, resting it on my hands. Arch my ass up in my tight workout pants, and swing my bent legs side to side. Do this for half an hour, while my man watches. Wait til he tickles me, then laugh like an idiot. Then, pretend that I don’t want him to do it again. “No, don’t, no don’t. he ha he”
Arms: Hang on to my man’s arm, have him pick me up, and check my hair in the mirror. Do ten reps of hair checking, then take it out of its pony tail, and then put it back it. Begin checking again, and giggle to my man.
Legs: Sit on the machine, while my man teases me for ten minutes. Try to do one rep, then give up and just sit there. Wait til my man messes my hair, then run back to where I will do arms again.
Wow, I’m tired, what a workout! Now, I’ll go stand around by the lockers with my man and friends, while we all act like we did in grade 5. Oh, and redo my make up! he he!

She’d be happy to be tied up, wrapped, and put in a box that says “free toy for any guy that wants a bitch that has no brain of her own. Batteries not needed.”

Few, I feel better now. Honestly, all that stuff only bothers me when I’m in a rush. And considering the fact that I already spent 11-12 and a half hours at school, I really can’t be there any longer.
What annoys you guys? Let me know in the comments section!

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