Today I spent my day working on my thesis. I went to class, the gym, and ate in between. That was my day. I got lots of work done though.
So there goes the government. Everyone saw it coming, but it's still frustrating. It's only been 17 months since the last election, now the Conservatives and NDP want to waste our money on another election. What do we know now that we didn't the first time we voted? Nothing. The conservatives keep going on and on about the "sponsorship scandal," but does anyone really care? Are we supposed to believe that they would not have done the same thing? Come on! Stop wasting our time and money, and just run the fuck’n country already. Pass that damn decriminalisation of pot law, and the other 30 or so (that are now dead). Now comes the plastering of signs all over the country. Is that at all necessary? What are we supposed to use those for? "Oh look, he has the best smile, I'll vote for him!" Unfortunately, I don't doubt that this actually happens.
Oh well, like I've said before, it could be worse. Just look to the south, where Evangelical Christian fundamentalists fight aborting laws, but are almost at the 1000th person executed because of the death penalty. Or, how their main focus is pushing Creationism into the school text books, while taking a blind eye to the fact that their country is using chemical weapons on people in other countries.
Okay, that's my rant for tonight!
Oh, and one week til the BP Christmas party! Who will get the drunkest? Who will dress the sluttiest? No, the biggest question of all is: Will there be food this year?!
Monday, November 28, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Bake: Chemical Weapons found in Iraq
So, there are chemical weapons in Iraq after all.
Now for the sickest part: It was the USA who brought them there and used them during their attack of Fallujah. If you haven’t heard this news yet (which means that you totally managed to avoid all news outlets for the past few days), it’s time to listen up. The USA army has now admitted to using a chemical weapon called "white phosphorous" which burns through the skin and flesh of people who encounter it.
Don't know the history of this attack? The city Fallujah was a major strong-hold of fighters, the US had little control over it. So, they evacuated all the women, elderly and children (leaving the prime men behind), and then levelled the city. During this attack, we now know that they used this chemical weapon against people that were still in the city. Italian journalist reported on these facts last week, and the army has confirmed it.
Oh, and if you remember, the first few nights of bombing on Iraq were called the "shock and awe" campaigns. Now we know that their attacks on Fallujah were called "Shake and Bake." First they would "shake" the home and building (with a bombing), then "bake" anyone in there with the white phosphorous. I'm not even kidding here.
Find this outrageous and hypocritical? What can you do? Well, many are saying that the USA should be charge, or at least investigated for this crimes.
This is where we come in. We need to make sure the UN know how we feel about this. You can write to the Canadian part of the UN here: and here:
Here's the most tame picture I could find of the effects:

If you want to see the real effects of the chemical, click this link. Be warned though, this is the real costs of war.
Now for the sickest part: It was the USA who brought them there and used them during their attack of Fallujah. If you haven’t heard this news yet (which means that you totally managed to avoid all news outlets for the past few days), it’s time to listen up. The USA army has now admitted to using a chemical weapon called "white phosphorous" which burns through the skin and flesh of people who encounter it.
Don't know the history of this attack? The city Fallujah was a major strong-hold of fighters, the US had little control over it. So, they evacuated all the women, elderly and children (leaving the prime men behind), and then levelled the city. During this attack, we now know that they used this chemical weapon against people that were still in the city. Italian journalist reported on these facts last week, and the army has confirmed it.
Oh, and if you remember, the first few nights of bombing on Iraq were called the "shock and awe" campaigns. Now we know that their attacks on Fallujah were called "Shake and Bake." First they would "shake" the home and building (with a bombing), then "bake" anyone in there with the white phosphorous. I'm not even kidding here.
Find this outrageous and hypocritical? What can you do? Well, many are saying that the USA should be charge, or at least investigated for this crimes.
This is where we come in. We need to make sure the UN know how we feel about this. You can write to the Canadian part of the UN here: and here:
Here's the most tame picture I could find of the effects:
If you want to see the real effects of the chemical, click this link. Be warned though, this is the real costs of war.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Busy week, and Election Coming!
So the school week is over. I got so much done this week, and am proud of that. I still have lots to do though. I need to get some serious homework done on Sunday, or I face another crazy week.
Madonna’s new cd came out this week, and I’ve heard two songs off it. Very good, I can’t wait to hear it all. I think I’ll wait till Vegas, it’s tradition to hear the new Madonna cds there.
Talking about the trip, I can’t believe that it’s only three weeks away now. I’m getting more and more excited as the time draws nearer. That week will also be the BP Christmas party, which is also very exciting. I can’t wait, rumours are that there will be food this year! God please, food!
But first I’ve got three more weeks of school to get through. I don’t mind though, bring on the work! I did really well with my Advertising presentation on Monday. The professor liked it so much that he asked for a copy to use in his other class! Wow, I didn’t even think it was all that great.
Tomorrow I don’t get to go see Harry Potter with Michelle as I’d never be ready in time. I haven’t seen the other three, so I guess my tradition continues. Once all eight come out, I’ll watch them back to back to back. Michelle, I’ll need your strength to survive that!
This week also confirmed that we have an election coming up. What’s the NDP thinking? I guess they see that they’re up in the polls. I hope that the Conservatives get even less seats then before. Stephen Harper vowed during the Summer that we would make turning back the laws on gay marriage part of his election promises. Guess that ain’t happening Harper! Why, during your summer visits and BBQs, did you realise that no one agreed with your opinion? Loser.
I like elections because of all the excitement and tension, but just hate having to see Harper’s face everyday. Hope he makes a fool of himself again this year.
I have also promised to educate you all before the next election, and I will hold true to that! Watch for party breakdowns, and election coverage made simple. Where? Right here on this blog of course!
Madonna’s new cd came out this week, and I’ve heard two songs off it. Very good, I can’t wait to hear it all. I think I’ll wait till Vegas, it’s tradition to hear the new Madonna cds there.
Talking about the trip, I can’t believe that it’s only three weeks away now. I’m getting more and more excited as the time draws nearer. That week will also be the BP Christmas party, which is also very exciting. I can’t wait, rumours are that there will be food this year! God please, food!
But first I’ve got three more weeks of school to get through. I don’t mind though, bring on the work! I did really well with my Advertising presentation on Monday. The professor liked it so much that he asked for a copy to use in his other class! Wow, I didn’t even think it was all that great.
Tomorrow I don’t get to go see Harry Potter with Michelle as I’d never be ready in time. I haven’t seen the other three, so I guess my tradition continues. Once all eight come out, I’ll watch them back to back to back. Michelle, I’ll need your strength to survive that!
This week also confirmed that we have an election coming up. What’s the NDP thinking? I guess they see that they’re up in the polls. I hope that the Conservatives get even less seats then before. Stephen Harper vowed during the Summer that we would make turning back the laws on gay marriage part of his election promises. Guess that ain’t happening Harper! Why, during your summer visits and BBQs, did you realise that no one agreed with your opinion? Loser.
I like elections because of all the excitement and tension, but just hate having to see Harper’s face everyday. Hope he makes a fool of himself again this year.
I have also promised to educate you all before the next election, and I will hold true to that! Watch for party breakdowns, and election coverage made simple. Where? Right here on this blog of course!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Brandon and Owen
Today is Sunday, and what are my plans? To go to school of course! I’m going to get some work done, so that hopefully, next week won’t be as hectic as last.
Next week also has a very big release! No, I’m not referring to Harry Potter, I haven’t seen any of those films (although I do want to). I’m referred of course to Madonna’s new cd. Her fist single and video are super cool, and I can’t wait to hear the album.
On Friday my friends and I made four pizzas and watch the new Crash film. The pizza was good (mine was the best), and so was the movie. It seemed a bit far fetched, but I think it’s because we live in such a multicultural and tolerant area (on the surface at least). I loved Sandra Bullock’s character, that was really sad.
Work yesterday was fun, except 9 inch was sick, and didn’t come it! I also didn’t get to see you Jackie. Now for the best story of the day! Yesterday at work, I looked over to the hostess area, and saw this little boy point at me and yell “hey! Remember me!” And I did! I had served him, his littler brother and parents about year ago. I was like “oh course!” He then came over to me a grabbed my hand and said “can you be our server!?” And I said “ya, of course!”.
They two little brothers are so cute and smart. That boy, Brandon is about 8 I think, and his little brother Owen about 3 or 4. They talk so much, and Owen always copies what Brandon does and says. Here’s some of the conversation between Brandon and IB-How old are you?
S-22, how about you?
B-I’m 49
S-you are?
B-no, I mean 22 like you.
S-wow, then you must be in school like me
B-When is your birthday?
S-June 10
B-(his eyes light up) Wow! Mine in June 8th!
B-Do you have a birthday party?
S-No usually, I usually have exams around that time
B-Can I come to your party?
S-I think your party would be more fun
B-Do you want to come to my party?
These little guys made me feel so happy, they were so nice. Their parents are also really nice, and able to stay calm with all the talking. This was the highlight of my weekend. They also promised to come back again, soon than a year from now. I can’t wait! It was so busy while I was serving them, that I didn’t have too much time to talk to them. But, I made the time and made my other tables wait: “You fatties at table 81want a fourth refill of pop? You have to wait, because I’m talking.”
Okay, so I must go eat and get ready for school=(
Next week also has a very big release! No, I’m not referring to Harry Potter, I haven’t seen any of those films (although I do want to). I’m referred of course to Madonna’s new cd. Her fist single and video are super cool, and I can’t wait to hear the album.
On Friday my friends and I made four pizzas and watch the new Crash film. The pizza was good (mine was the best), and so was the movie. It seemed a bit far fetched, but I think it’s because we live in such a multicultural and tolerant area (on the surface at least). I loved Sandra Bullock’s character, that was really sad.
Work yesterday was fun, except 9 inch was sick, and didn’t come it! I also didn’t get to see you Jackie. Now for the best story of the day! Yesterday at work, I looked over to the hostess area, and saw this little boy point at me and yell “hey! Remember me!” And I did! I had served him, his littler brother and parents about year ago. I was like “oh course!” He then came over to me a grabbed my hand and said “can you be our server!?” And I said “ya, of course!”.
They two little brothers are so cute and smart. That boy, Brandon is about 8 I think, and his little brother Owen about 3 or 4. They talk so much, and Owen always copies what Brandon does and says. Here’s some of the conversation between Brandon and IB-How old are you?
S-22, how about you?
B-I’m 49
S-you are?
B-no, I mean 22 like you.
S-wow, then you must be in school like me
B-When is your birthday?
S-June 10
B-(his eyes light up) Wow! Mine in June 8th!
B-Do you have a birthday party?
S-No usually, I usually have exams around that time
B-Can I come to your party?
S-I think your party would be more fun
B-Do you want to come to my party?
These little guys made me feel so happy, they were so nice. Their parents are also really nice, and able to stay calm with all the talking. This was the highlight of my weekend. They also promised to come back again, soon than a year from now. I can’t wait! It was so busy while I was serving them, that I didn’t have too much time to talk to them. But, I made the time and made my other tables wait: “You fatties at table 81want a fourth refill of pop? You have to wait, because I’m talking.”
Okay, so I must go eat and get ready for school=(
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Here are some sites on the belief system Spiritualism. I have been following it for over four years now, and many ask me what it is about. Basically it’s the belief that we should be kind to all, experience lots of good and bad, and grow as a person. Not that different from other beliefs/religions/faiths. Except, there’s no hell, no devil, and there is reincarnation (if and when you do choose to), and communication between our physical world, and the spirit world (“heaven”). Earth is where we come to learn, and experience all the bad stuff that happens here. I don't following this strictly, but believe in most of it.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
I had my developmental psych class today, and the prof had us writing like mad. It was crazy! Then, after class I continued to re-write my notes from last week (because they were so messy), and what did I discover? Wow, we just rewrote half of last week’s notes again in today’s lecture. So that was a bit annoying.What else annoys me?
Here’s my list:
-People who play their Mp3 players so loud that everyone around them has to hear the music.
-people who make noises in the library (talking, laughing, clicking pens, shuffling papers, etc)
-cell phones going off, anywhere that had been quite. I think all phones come with a vibration options, USE IT!-people who stop walking when getting on an escalator. MOVE IT lazy ass, your holding up the line!
-people who walk slow in a busy play.
-a group of people who block off a whole hallway, and walk slow.
-The design of the computer lab at school (too complex to describe this one).
-people talking on cell phones, on the bus, in study areas. Actually, anywhere! Who the hell wants to know about your problems!
-people using MSN messenger at the computer labs at school, while I wait to type my millions of research studies for my thesis. You’re at school loser!
-the same as above, but when they are playing games. I don’t even have to be waiting for a computer, it’s just stupid to be doing at school period.
-customers at work who ignore you. They could be on the phone, talking to someone else, or just ignoring you period. “Hello? Okay, I’ll give you some time.”
-the buss being late, or leaving early.
-this one brown girl at my gym, who I can’t stand. I also can’t stand her boyfriend or their friends. They are the stupidest people in the world. What does her workout schedule look like? Here it is:
Abs: lye on my stomach, put my head up, resting it on my hands. Arch my ass up in my tight workout pants, and swing my bent legs side to side. Do this for half an hour, while my man watches. Wait til he tickles me, then laugh like an idiot. Then, pretend that I don’t want him to do it again. “No, don’t, no don’t. he ha he”
Arms: Hang on to my man’s arm, have him pick me up, and check my hair in the mirror. Do ten reps of hair checking, then take it out of its pony tail, and then put it back it. Begin checking again, and giggle to my man.
Legs: Sit on the machine, while my man teases me for ten minutes. Try to do one rep, then give up and just sit there. Wait til my man messes my hair, then run back to where I will do arms again.
Wow, I’m tired, what a workout! Now, I’ll go stand around by the lockers with my man and friends, while we all act like we did in grade 5. Oh, and redo my make up! he he!
She’d be happy to be tied up, wrapped, and put in a box that says “free toy for any guy that wants a bitch that has no brain of her own. Batteries not needed.”
Few, I feel better now. Honestly, all that stuff only bothers me when I’m in a rush. And considering the fact that I already spent 11-12 and a half hours at school, I really can’t be there any longer.
What annoys you guys? Let me know in the comments section!
Here’s my list:
-People who play their Mp3 players so loud that everyone around them has to hear the music.
-people who make noises in the library (talking, laughing, clicking pens, shuffling papers, etc)
-cell phones going off, anywhere that had been quite. I think all phones come with a vibration options, USE IT!-people who stop walking when getting on an escalator. MOVE IT lazy ass, your holding up the line!
-people who walk slow in a busy play.
-a group of people who block off a whole hallway, and walk slow.
-The design of the computer lab at school (too complex to describe this one).
-people talking on cell phones, on the bus, in study areas. Actually, anywhere! Who the hell wants to know about your problems!
-people using MSN messenger at the computer labs at school, while I wait to type my millions of research studies for my thesis. You’re at school loser!
-the same as above, but when they are playing games. I don’t even have to be waiting for a computer, it’s just stupid to be doing at school period.
-customers at work who ignore you. They could be on the phone, talking to someone else, or just ignoring you period. “Hello? Okay, I’ll give you some time.”
-the buss being late, or leaving early.
-this one brown girl at my gym, who I can’t stand. I also can’t stand her boyfriend or their friends. They are the stupidest people in the world. What does her workout schedule look like? Here it is:
Abs: lye on my stomach, put my head up, resting it on my hands. Arch my ass up in my tight workout pants, and swing my bent legs side to side. Do this for half an hour, while my man watches. Wait til he tickles me, then laugh like an idiot. Then, pretend that I don’t want him to do it again. “No, don’t, no don’t. he ha he”
Arms: Hang on to my man’s arm, have him pick me up, and check my hair in the mirror. Do ten reps of hair checking, then take it out of its pony tail, and then put it back it. Begin checking again, and giggle to my man.
Legs: Sit on the machine, while my man teases me for ten minutes. Try to do one rep, then give up and just sit there. Wait til my man messes my hair, then run back to where I will do arms again.
Wow, I’m tired, what a workout! Now, I’ll go stand around by the lockers with my man and friends, while we all act like we did in grade 5. Oh, and redo my make up! he he!
She’d be happy to be tied up, wrapped, and put in a box that says “free toy for any guy that wants a bitch that has no brain of her own. Batteries not needed.”
Few, I feel better now. Honestly, all that stuff only bothers me when I’m in a rush. And considering the fact that I already spent 11-12 and a half hours at school, I really can’t be there any longer.
What annoys you guys? Let me know in the comments section!
Goodbye Halloween, til next time!
OH no, the Halloween themed site is gone. Although I wish Halloween went on forever, all things must come to an end. But, whenever you want to celebrate again, go through the list of horror films I made for you, and rent one. Halloween can live on forever, if you want it to.
This was the best Halloween weekend ever. I had a blast at Kyle’s, got to go to Sreemers on Saturday (well, at least to the parking lot), and then watched The Omen with my friends on Monday night. Now I have lots of candies and chocolates to eat. Halloween is the best! The next big event for me is our work Christmas party. I hope all of you voted for the 5th! It is always one of the funniest days of the year.
Tomorrow the TA's at my school may go on strike, shutting down the school. Blast them if they do!
I’ll leave you with Pinhead’s quote, so that we never forget how cool he is:
“Unbearable, isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends. There is a secret song at the center of the world, and its sound is like razors through flesh. You can hear its faint echo right now. I'm here to turn up the volume. To press the stinking face of humanity into the dark blood of its own secret heart.”
~Pinhead from Hellraiser III
This was the best Halloween weekend ever. I had a blast at Kyle’s, got to go to Sreemers on Saturday (well, at least to the parking lot), and then watched The Omen with my friends on Monday night. Now I have lots of candies and chocolates to eat. Halloween is the best! The next big event for me is our work Christmas party. I hope all of you voted for the 5th! It is always one of the funniest days of the year.
Tomorrow the TA's at my school may go on strike, shutting down the school. Blast them if they do!
I’ll leave you with Pinhead’s quote, so that we never forget how cool he is:
“Unbearable, isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends. There is a secret song at the center of the world, and its sound is like razors through flesh. You can hear its faint echo right now. I'm here to turn up the volume. To press the stinking face of humanity into the dark blood of its own secret heart.”
~Pinhead from Hellraiser III