So, it’s the greatest month out of the year, and it’s time for Halloween. With Halloween comes the need to see a great deal of horror films. Here’s a few really good ones to see this month:
Hellraiser. Any one of the films is great, and Pinhead is such a cool character. He is such a great talker, and has a small army of Cenobites at his command. Oh, and get part three (the unrated version if you can find it) if you want a wicked sex scene, and the best Pinhead dialogue ever.
Childsplay. Okay this one was an obvious choice. Part one was so great, while part two kind of sucked (almost seemed like it was being aimed at kids). I remember part three as being pretty good though. But, then we got Bride of Chucky which was so cool. It had the perfect balance between atmosphere, sex, scares, and jokes. The music was just perfect, and Jennifer Tilly looked incredibly good. Chucky’s bride was awesome, and they made a perfect match. But then Seed of Chucky came along, which did not follow Bride’s formula of success. It was more jokes that anything, looked really cheaply done, had no great songs in it, and few scares. It wasn’t bad though, just did not live up to the high bar the Seed created. Rent all five films, and enjoy!
The Dentist. Here’s a cool cheap horror. It’s about a dentist going mad after he sees his wife giving head to the pool boy. There’s also a sequel which is equally fun to watch. Rent these with friends for so laughs with lots of gore (some good sex too).
What about if you don’t have a TV with you, and you still want something for Halloween? Ask me for one of the DaRk SiDe of the Mind cd’s.
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