Wow I was brought back here tonight by a reminder of this place, and it made me think about what it means to me. It started off as a distant lover's cry, and turned into the daily exciting events from my life which I was ecstatic to share with anyone I cared about. Then I stopped writing when I had all I needed in my life, only returning to it time to time when things got tough.
Then it was invaded and used against me by those closest to me, those most trusted. I now know what it feels like to have your diary stolen and read in front of your class.
Then this place became a very different place which was locked up for only me to see, and vent, and cry to.
Now I've moved onto greener pastures, yet I know I will return here one day. Perhaps when memories have faded, perhaps if they ever fade. At least I don't have to force people to read my exciting little world here any more though. I look forward to bluer skys here as well, but I guess that's all my choice.
At leasts I lived up to my goal in my last post!!