My dream started off in a bus with
Veena and
Sreng. The bus arrived at the Airport, to take me to prison! It all felt very sudden for me, I had known about it for a week or so now, but really just ignored it. Now, it was all real, and my last few days of freedom were over. I felt like it was all a dream, it could be really happening to me (ironic eh?). I started crying when I said by to them, and
Veena said “you're crying?” I said to her: “well ya, I’m go
ing to be there for a long long time.” I got off the bus and went into the airport alone. There I saw some familiar faces from school. They were all excited because they were taking fun trips to fancy places. They asked me where I was headed to, and I told them prison. "Brutal eh?," I said to them. I felt like a loser, they'd all be successful by the time I got out, and 12 years of my life would be wasted. Totally wasted, that's what bothered me the most.
I remember taking out all my personal belongings and placing them on this glass platform, while I spoke to a couple from school. I don’t reme
mber what all the stuff was, but they were things that meant something to me, that were given to me, or things that I made. I told the couple to leave the stuff here; I thought it would be funny for the next person to pass by and see it all, wondering whose it was. They said okay, and I left.
Somewhere in the airport, I thought... “Oh my god, I’m still sche
duled to work next week, I never told them!” In my dream, it was the same day as today, so I knew my real life schedule for next week. I never had a chance to phone though, but did it really matter? I was going to be in prison for 12 years.
I took the trip to the prison, and arrived a some sort of forest area. My “cell” had a thatch roof
, and was a big circlar room. From the
windows all around me, I could see naked guys standing outside, who where either keeping guard or just fellow prisoners. I think they were prisoners, because I felt that I would be doing the same thing soon.
At this point I woke up because I had to pee. But, when I fell back asleep, the dream continued...
Now, I was in a totally different setting. The I was now a prisoner in my own home, the family room in our basement to be exact. It looked different though, with a huge opening to the outside on one side, and windows at the top of the wall. I remember thinking, “okay one hour down, now just the rest of the 12 years to ago. Maybe if I’m really nice I can ge
t out in 8?” I also couldn’t remember what I had
done to get to prison. I knew it was murder, but I didn’t remember doing anything
. There was a woman outside watching me, making sure that I stayed put. At one point I left and went outside. My house was in a downtown area, and I went into a large building. I went up a few floors and went down a corridor. I passed a lady on my right who was sitting at a desk. She called me back, and I realised it was the woman who interviewed me last week for a job. “I recognised you too she said.” Over her shoulder, sitting on the floor I could see an old high school friend, Ben. I waven hi to him, and then turned my
attention back to the woman. “Hi .......(insert wrong name here)......I mean, Gina! How are things going with the position search?” “Oh, I’m still looking, I’ll let you know”. All
I kept thinking abou
t was getting t
he job, and hopefully getting out of jail. Would this be possible I thought? I didn’t tell her that I was in jail. I think it w
as at this time that I went into a washroom, and peed at a urinal. Some guy stood next to me and started speaking. He asked me if I wanted to smoke pot with him. I told him no, knowing that I wasn’t allowed, and that the guard would probably
smell it on me.
I left, and went back to my home. Well, it wasn’t really my home, it looked like a downtown bui
lding. I went in through a different door, and downstairs to the dark prison room. I made sure to be seen by the woman. “Where did you go?” “Oh, just upstairs to get something...” Then I saw a computer sitting near by. “Hey, can I use the computer? I trade stocks.” “As your job?” “Ya,” I told her. “I don’t know, I’ll have to ask.” Fear ran through me thinking of where my stoc
ks would be in
12 years. They’d probably be better off than if I was left to manage, I thought.
I looke
d at the time, and now a few hours had passed. What the hell am I supposed to do here for all this time? I kept the thought that I could get out early if I was good.
Then I spoke to my dad. I told him to get a lawyer, and see if they could appeal. “appeal?” he said to me. “Ya, check things out, try to get me out of here”.
Later, it got cold, and snow started blowing through the hole. I ran up to bloc
k it, and the woman came “where are you going, stay put.” I told her I was just trying to block the snow from coming in.
I woke up again from this dream, and was very happy to know that I wasn’t going to prison for something I didn’t do.