Today was a great day. I fixed everything that went wrong last Wednesday. First off, I went to the court place, and pled guilty with reason for my ttc ticket. The man was nice, and I told him the situation of how it happened. He thent said that the fine was wavered, and to do well in school. I thanked him in left. So, no fine for the mistake! He was very fair.
After that I swung by Mike’s place, and got to see him, unlike last week. Mike, your place is very cool, I wish I lived there. I like the whole tv is your computer setup. Mike even fed me. We then went our separate ways, I went to the Eaton’s Centre. I wasn’t in the mood to shop, but I bought one shirt and tie for work. After that I ate a cinnabun, then went home. Good day all around.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
War is not good afterall?
So a leaked document from the Whitehouse states that the war in Iraq has caused terrorism to worsen, and given reason for people to become terrorists. Wow, too bad this document didn't come out before the attack and occupation began. It's funny how so many of us knew this would be true. I guess I'm just a gifted Psychic.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Government cutting spending
The Conservatives are cutting a program that was looking into the medical uses of marijuana.
It's not surprising that they are cutting it, as they are the Conservatives, but it is sad to see the research stop. I'm sure there are many Canadians that would have benefited from the research.
Maybe these types of cuts are what will pay for the GST cut? What a waste that was, unless of course you're a millionaire.
It's not surprising that they are cutting it, as they are the Conservatives, but it is sad to see the research stop. I'm sure there are many Canadians that would have benefited from the research.
Maybe these types of cuts are what will pay for the GST cut? What a waste that was, unless of course you're a millionaire.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Bum Night
Just got back from my super fun night out with 9inch and Mike, except that didn’t happen. What did happen? We screwed up with the restaurant, and went to the wrong place. Sreng met us at a place that he was told was 515 Bloor, but it really wasn’t. What it was was a restaurant in construction that said “sushi coming soon” on the sign. WTF? So, we never got to meet Mike, who then waited for us at the real Sushi on Bloor. Mike, I am sooooo sorry about the screw up, I owe you big for ruining your night. We walked down loor to see if we could find you, but we didn’t get close enough to the real Sushi on Bloor.
We ended up eating at an okay Sushi place, but it was nothing like Sushi on Bloor. Nancy dropped Sreng and I off at the Spadina station afterwards (I’ve never been there), and that’s where our night was capped off. We went in the wrong door, and had two police officers chase us down. Apparently thy thought we were trying to skip out on the $2.75 bus fair, and fined us. How much? Oh, just $110 each!!!! So, I have now received my first ticket, for making a mistake.
Am I pissed? Yes, but just about not getting to meet up with Mike. I feel terrible about that. The whole fine thing is a funny story I can tell tomorrow morning. Speaking of that, I should get off to bed, I start my training tomorrow at 9.
We ended up eating at an okay Sushi place, but it was nothing like Sushi on Bloor. Nancy dropped Sreng and I off at the Spadina station afterwards (I’ve never been there), and that’s where our night was capped off. We went in the wrong door, and had two police officers chase us down. Apparently thy thought we were trying to skip out on the $2.75 bus fair, and fined us. How much? Oh, just $110 each!!!! So, I have now received my first ticket, for making a mistake.
Am I pissed? Yes, but just about not getting to meet up with Mike. I feel terrible about that. The whole fine thing is a funny story I can tell tomorrow morning. Speaking of that, I should get off to bed, I start my training tomorrow at 9.
Moving Up
This 7 minute clip from South Park is very very funny. Please watch it, even just for Butters, who is so funny and cute.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Drive In
Last night we went to the drive-in theatre and saw two movies. The first, The Covenant wasn’t all that great, unless you like watching really hot guys in a large shower scene. But really, who likes that? Me missed the first half hour of the file or so, so we didn’t really know what it was about or what was going on.
The second movie, was the newest one with the great actor The Rock. Wow, I am always amazed at the range of characters that he can play, such a great actor. Also, the up and coming actor from Pimp my Ride was in it as well, doing an equal job at acting. Didn’t that guy sing a song back in the day? I think the best part in the movie was the big fat guy that gave up, but then tried again. Wow, that was so original. Yes, AmErica has yet another all AmErican Football movie under its belt, this time with segregation as well.
It was a fun night, we cracked jokes all throughout, and caught up on each other’s going ons.
This Wednesday is also officially Sushi day, as I will be embarking on visiting Sushi on Bloor. I can’t wait to eat until I’m stuffed. Also, 9inch is coming, so it will be a fun night. Oh how you treat me 9 inch, a second outing in the same year
The second movie, was the newest one with the great actor The Rock. Wow, I am always amazed at the range of characters that he can play, such a great actor. Also, the up and coming actor from Pimp my Ride was in it as well, doing an equal job at acting. Didn’t that guy sing a song back in the day? I think the best part in the movie was the big fat guy that gave up, but then tried again. Wow, that was so original. Yes, AmErica has yet another all AmErican Football movie under its belt, this time with segregation as well.
It was a fun night, we cracked jokes all throughout, and caught up on each other’s going ons.
This Wednesday is also officially Sushi day, as I will be embarking on visiting Sushi on Bloor. I can’t wait to eat until I’m stuffed. Also, 9inch is coming, so it will be a fun night. Oh how you treat me 9 inch, a second outing in the same year
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Pooncho takes on the beef...
Hi all! My postings over the last few days have been short and sparse. I’ve been busy mainly working, and organizing the house. I’ve made it my goal to clear out all the junk that I can find, and renovate the basement.
I’ve also been working to the max. So much so, that I have little time to job hunt. My computer is also giving me problems which is making things hard. But overall things have been good. I’ve had time to put some real thought into my equity portfolio as well, and I’m proud of that.
But, I do need to mention some events that have occurred. Last Friday, my friends and I went to Frankie Tomottos again.
I was so excited because they are an all you can eat buffet (something that I enjoy a lot of) and they have big beef ribs (another thing that I enjoy a lot). Those two things, along with being with friends made me one happy camper. I had no shame eating those ribs too, you can’t eat ribs politely, you just need to get your teeth right in there!
Deb, you would have been so disgusted by me, I’m sure I ate a whole cow.
Daren, you can just imagine how many I ate. By the way, how was the movie Mr, Film Fester?
I also didn’t go to the Virgin Festival, like I had wanted. It turned out being pretty sucky from what I heard, so I’m happy I didn’t go. Massive Attack didn’t even show.
Today I had the day off, and totally slept in until 1030. I had a ton of dreams too, but I won’t bore you with them. Lately, I’ve been dreaming like crazy, it’s great.
My mom made me spinach dip as well, and that makes me happy=)
Hope you’re all swell.
I’ve also been working to the max. So much so, that I have little time to job hunt. My computer is also giving me problems which is making things hard. But overall things have been good. I’ve had time to put some real thought into my equity portfolio as well, and I’m proud of that.
But, I do need to mention some events that have occurred. Last Friday, my friends and I went to Frankie Tomottos again.

Deb, you would have been so disgusted by me, I’m sure I ate a whole cow.
Daren, you can just imagine how many I ate. By the way, how was the movie Mr, Film Fester?
I also didn’t go to the Virgin Festival, like I had wanted. It turned out being pretty sucky from what I heard, so I’m happy I didn’t go. Massive Attack didn’t even show.
Today I had the day off, and totally slept in until 1030. I had a ton of dreams too, but I won’t bore you with them. Lately, I’ve been dreaming like crazy, it’s great.
My mom made me spinach dip as well, and that makes me happy=)
Hope you’re all swell.
Monday, September 11, 2006
CBC News: Layton slams Harper as Bush's 'cheerleader'
Jack is the greatest because of things like this. Speak your mind!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
The last grades come in first place
I just checked out my Summer course grades, and was very happy. The worst of the four was my Training and Development online course, where I got a C+. But, in each of my other 3 marketing classes, I got an A. In my Marketing Strategies class, I actually got the highest grade out of everyone, an 83%. All that hard work on those marketing plans really did pay off then. I’m almost tempted to enroll in some more courses... almost, but not nearly enough! I also got won a $25 dollar gift certificate for the York bookstore, which is kind of cool.
Enough gloating now!
Enough gloating now!